How to Make Weed Butter

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Sometimes you don’t want to smoke your weed, you want to eat it. However, there’s a little science involved in the process. Making cannabis-infused butter that will actually get you high involves activating the THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the main psychoactive compound in marijuana. That’s why you need to decarb your cannabis. Decarboxylation is a chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon dioxide. When you smoke weed the fire converts the THCA acid into THC. If you are cooking with CBD flower the same method will need to apply to reap the benefits. Basically, you need to heat the flower to make it bio-available. But when you just heat the weed in butter it will give off a pungent taste that can ruin the taste of baked goods or food for many people.

The easiest way to make weed butter is in the Easy Bake Oven of Weed - Ardent Nova decarboxylator.

Stayed tuned for our full guide on how to use it!


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