Weed Diaries: Brooklyn Wake & Bake

Every wonder how people smoke weed? Learn about the habits of people who consume cannabis - How often do people smoke weed? When do they use cannabis and how much? What are they consuming? We asked real-life cannabis consumers to write about a day in their lives to see how, why and when they use weed.


Anonymous, 30s, Brooklyn, NY.

6:30pm: I tell my Boyfriend that the “delivery” guy is on his way. That’s the code word I use to let him know that my weed is on the way. I use a delivery service that arrives in under an hour. They’re the best I’ve ever used. I love how knowledgeable their staff is, they have a great loyalty program and a printed label on each strain with suggested uses, THC and CBD percentage. I feel like I’m learning and consuming at the same time. Sometimes I feel guilty spending money on ganja but then I think of the insomnia and anxiety that I have been blessed with and I stop. Sleepless nights are way worse than spending a couple hundred dollars a month on herb. When people are shocked at that estimate, I feel like asking them “What was your bar tab last weekend?”

6:50pm: The doorbell literally rang while I was writing that last post. I was debating between edibles and flower but I ended up buying “Zkittles” which is an Indica-dominant hybrid. Usually I’m a Sativa girl, but I’ve been trying more Indica-dominant strains to help with the anxiety of working 3 jobs to live in this city. The strain is a mixture of “Grape Ape” and “Grapefruit”. I’ve always loved any grapefruit strain so it was an easy sell. The label claims it is good for joint/muscle pain, stress (!), anxiety, depression, P.T.S.D., A.D.H.D., A.D.D., glaucoma, arthritis and appetite.

9:00pm: The Mary Jane is as advertised. It has a citrus scent, isn’t too dry (personal pet-peeve), strong enough (impressive for a smoker like myself), and it hit me pretty hard. I’m having trouble concentrating on finishing this entry so I’m dubious over the A.D.D. claim, but it’s definitely a nice mellow high and I feel like cuddling the bf.


9:24am: On Saturdays I wake and bake. My ritual is smoking a joint in the shower. I really am pleased with the “Zkittles” strain. I smoked one bowl in my one-hitter and I still had some in there when I woke. This means two things. 1) The bud burns well. 2) It’s strong AF.

8:30pm: I smoked a bowl and walked to the health food store in my neighborhood for some ice cream and to get some CBD oil since I’m feeling extra wound up this week. I have used other brands in the past and have found that it really helps with my anxiety. I like to use it in conjunction with marijuana because I’m extra like that.

9:30pm: I purchased Plus CBD oil, a hemp derived CBD oil that has 1mg CBD per pump. It has a peppermint flavor and the recommended dosage is 2 sprays applied under the tongue. I take 4 right off the bat. It cost 23 dollars and I think it will be a nice assist to the “Zkittles” which I am liking more and more. It has a high energy sustained high for an Indica and I am grateful because I have no time to be sleepy.

11:00pm: I feel mellow as hell. Sleepy from a long day and ready to hit my pipe one more time before calling it a night. I didn’t go out tonight and I’m patting myself on the back for being so responsible so I’m thinking I will go to town on a facial regiment. I love to pamper myself while stoned. It just makes me feel like I’m giving my future self a gift from my past self. My partner never smokes, but we both work a lot so I try to get myself good and sleepy by 11pm. I’ve suffered from insomnia my whole life and would probably be up until 4am if it weren’t for the chronic.


12pm: It’s Superbowl Sunday and so I do my normal wake and bake while daydreaming about pigs in a blanket. I am going to watch the game tonight at a bar with the boyfriend. I’m not a big drinker, but my boyfriend is and the Eagles are his team so I’m thinking we are in for a long one. I’ll probably drink a bit tonight and bring my CBD to the bar so I’m not a nervous wreck while my boyfriend is losing his shit. It’s hard to be the only person not drinking in a large group.

1pm: I still like the strain, but man, is it stinky. I guess that’s how you know it’s good, but I’m a smoker who doesn’t enjoy the smell of smoke. If I could change anything about the cannabis experience it would be that. I know most people like the smell, I am just not one of them and the boyfriend has complained about it a few times, but I guess him moaning about the scent of my marijuana is better than him smoking it…


5pm: The thing I love most about smoking as opposed to drinking is that I never have a hangover! I feel fine this Monday morning after the Super Bowl. I feel like a superior being to my bf who is a mess. I started smoking in high school. I never did it super frequently. I never bought my own or had it around, but I would smoke with friends and at social events. I bought green for the first time when I moved to NYC. I love it as much as I love the city.

I wish it were more socially acceptable because even as a teen I preferred it to beers or sugary cocktails. Drinking makes me sick and I throw up after 3 drinks so I’ve never really understood why it’s everyone’s drug of choice. Or why it’s prohibition has been lifted but not the one on weed. The worst thing I’ve ever done stoned is eat everything in my house. The worst thing I’ve done drunk…well…it’s much much worse than that.


11am: I am working on a set today and grateful for my CBD. It really does help me feel more calm and centered but in a very subtle way. For example, I don’t notice myself being more relaxed in the moment, but I will be searching for anxiety in moments throughout my day and realize there isn’t as much present as normal. I truly believe the CBD can take the credit for that, although if I’m being honest, I take 4 times the recommended dosage each time. I would purchase a CBD oil with a higher concentration next time, but I’m also a tank apparently.

6pm: Roll a joint and toke on my tiny ass patio. I feel bad smoking sometimes because of the stigma other people attach to it, but I have also been smoking for so long that it’s become so normal to me. When people freak out about it, I am usually taken by surprise. I think it’s because I know a lot of people who smoke who are highly successful individuals and I don’t see myself as your typical stoner. I just like to have fun every once in awhile.


4pm: I’m already almost out of bud. I like to try and stretch my bag to last a week, but you can’t win them all right? I text my service and wait for them to arrive. I usually hate to run out completely and can tell I’ve been extra stressed so I’m just gonna give myself a pass this time.

4:30pm: They arrive right on time and I’m happy my delivery person is a bad-ass lady stoner who really talked me through their selection. I was also happy with the selection of edibles they had today so I bought 2 bags of sour gummies (30 dollars/bag). So excited!!!!

10:00pm: I fucked up. I somehow  managed to convince myself that I purchased CBD gummies yesterday and not THC laced ones. I don’t know how or why I did this to myself but long story short, I have had too many gummies and am sending out too many text messages.


11:00am: My friend and I are dying over what those gummies did to me but I am still not hungover :)

Want to submit a smoking diary? Get in touch.


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