How Do I Pick a Weed Strain That Won’t Get Me Too High?

First of all, if you’ve gotten too high, you might want to check out our article on What To Do When You Get Toooo High.

However, if you have already gotten over being too high, you might want to improve your experience. The right strain is definitely going to be a part of that. Picking a cannabis strain that won't get you too high can be a tricky process, but there are a few things you can keep in mind to help you find the right one. Here are a few tips:

  1. Look for strains with low THC levels.

    THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive compound in cannabis that is responsible for the "high" feeling. Strains with low THC levels (around 5-10%) will be less likely to cause overwhelming or anxiety-inducing effects.

  2. Choose strains with higher CBD levels.

    CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive compound that can help to counteract some of the negative effects of THC. Strains with higher CBD levels (around 10-20%) can help to reduce anxiety and paranoia, making for a more pleasant and manageable high.

    Or just, pick a CBD rich strain that won’t get you high at all if you prefer but still give you the other benefits of cannabinoids.

  3. Look for strains specifically bred for their low psychoactivity.

    There are some strains that are specifically bred for their low psychoactivity, such as "Harlequin" or "ACDC" and they are known for their high CBD content and low THC content.

  4. Try a hybrid strain.

    Hybrid strains are a combination of sativa and indica strains, and they can offer a more balanced and moderate high.

  5. Start low and go slow.

    When trying a new strain, it's important to start with a low dose and see how it affects you before consuming more. This will help you to gauge the effects of the strain and prevent you from getting too high.

  6. Talk to a budtender.

    If you're still unsure about which strain to choose, talk to a budtender at a dispensary. They will have knowledge about the different strains and their effects, and can help you to find the right one for your needs.

It's important to remember that cannabis affects everyone differently, so what may work for one person may not work for another. Be open to trying different strains, and pay attention to how your body reacts to them. Keep in mind, that it's also important to consume responsibly and not to drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence.


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