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Weed Tips + Gift Guides + Travel/Style

Whether you're new to the world of weed or a seasoned smoker, our goal is to empower women with the knowledge they need to make informed choices about their cannabis use. So, join us as we explore the world of cannabis and discover all the ways it can enhance your life.

High Herstory creates space for women & femmes who love weed while bringing to life meaningful, stigma-changing content at the intersection of cannabis and culture.

High Exposure Agency and the Future of Cannabis: An Interview on Equity, Advocacy, and Collaboration

High Exposure Agency was born out of a shared desire to create an inclusive and equitable cannabis market—one that prioritizes community, collaboration, and social equity over traditional capitalist models. We sat down with the managing partners of High Exposure—Annette Fernandez, Kassia Graham, and Amy Chin—to learn more about their journey, how small businesses can overcome challenges, and their commitment to reshaping the cannabis industry with a focus on collaboration and inclusivity.


High Exposure Agency was born out of a shared desire to create an inclusive and equitable cannabis market—one that prioritizes community, collaboration, and social equity over traditional capitalist models. 

The cannabis industry is undergoing rapid changes, and agencies like High Exposure are at the forefront, driving the conversation about equity, advocacy, and community engagement. 

We sat down with the managing partners of High Exposure—Annette Fernandez, Kassia Graham, and Amy Chin—to learn more about their journey, how small businesses can overcome challenges, and their commitment to reshaping the cannabis industry with a focus on collaboration and inclusivity.


High Herstory: Can you tell us about your backgrounds and the motivation behind starting High Exposure agency?

Annette Fernandez: I consider myself a corporate dropout after spending 19 years in specialty retail between Macy’s, The Gap and Victoria’s Secret. I didn't want to work in an environment with that kind of hierarchy and patriarchy. For a lot of people in corporate America, as a single mother, you really can't make it work. I mean, I couldn't. And I find that many single moms have to sacrifice a lot, their health, their mental health and their physical health.

We started this agency to help redefine capitalism and community inside of the cannabis industry. How can we change the constructs that we all believe about capitalism so that we can work together and drive a new kind of economics that work for people like us. 

Our mission is really to create the market we want to see. I think this is what's leading us here to this work and why we're holding on to it so fiercely despite how incredibly difficult and gut-wrenching it can be.

Kassia Graham: I got into the cannabis industry at the tail end of my stem cell transplant after two bouts of cancer in 2017. It’s one of the reasons why I got into the space, like a lot of people who get into cannabis after being afflicted with something, and it tends to be one of their healing methods. 

I cut my teeth in the industry by starting out at CannaClusive. We focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the space, making sure that folks of color were represented not only on social media, in front of a camera, and on dispensary floors, but also in the boardroom, and key positions. I also was the Chair for Cannabis for Black Lives, where we helped to raise money for cannabis and cannabis-adjacent organizations that were focused on justice-impacted people and communities. 

I've worked for a dot-com, I've worked nonprofit, I've worked corporate, also a dropout because of whistleblowing. But I was thankfully able to leave on my terms. For me, it’s about building a market where everyone has a fair chance.

Amy Chin: I was born in Chinatown, Manhattan, and now live in the Lower East Side. I’ve always been a downtown person. I started in product development at Macy's. I was there for about a decade until I realized that corporate is not for me. I left and went into restaurant management and did that for a few years. Then after becoming a mom, had my two kids, and realized a night schedule as a parent was not working. I fell into anxiety and postpartum depression.

At this time, I had already been a long-time THC consumer. And while going to therapy, it was at my therapist's suggestion to try CBD because she knew that I didn't want to use pharmaceutical drugs. When I did try the CBD, it was amazing for my mental health. That was when what drew me to working with this plant. I wanted everyone to know all the different healing properties about it and how it can help them. 

So in 2019, I started Calm Better Days and as a cannabis coach, I guide those new to plant medicine on how to consume effectively and customize treatment plans according to their lifetstyle needs. My e-commerce site,consists of a highly curated selection of mostly female-owned, small craft, BIPOC-owned brands because I wanted to represent the marginalized community. As legalization came to New York, I wanted to continue that mission, which is how Annette and I met. We had the same foundation of corporate not feeling right and capitalism and trying to make sure that the industry goes in a direction where we're trying to help the people that really needed the help and who were passionate about the plant and doing it for the right reasons.


High Herstory: It’s clear that each of you brings a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to equity and community. How does High Exposure incorporate these values into its everyday operations?

Annette Fernandez: For us, it's about understanding that no block is the same. No borough is the same, no neighborhood is the same. It's about going into these areas with an understanding of what your community really is. We are here to create the market we want to see and help companies understand that relationships and understanding local needs are important. It’s more than just putting up a storefront.

Considering that New York City has the greatest cannabis consumption in the entire world, we have always been leading in cannabis in one way or another. Though we may not be known to have the most fire genetics in terms of culture, we have contributed greatly.


High Herstory: Could you give an example of how this commitment to community has influenced a specific project or partnership?

Annette Fernandez: In our partnership with Terp Bros, we literally knocked door to door, with Jeremy, the founder. He approached opening his store with the philosophy of being a good neighbor. We created a campaign called 'Say Hi to Your New Neighbor,' where local businesses put signs up for Jeremy on their businesses, so we could cross-promote.

Many of them offered Jeremy's customers discounts, driving traffic to them. It was a beautiful way to open the store. This business has increased month over month and week over week. It’s a perfect example of how collaboration works—we know you have to build relationships to succeed.

High Herstory: How do you define the role of advocacy in building a successful cannabis industry and what strategies do you recommend for brands to engage with the community?

Kassia Graham: I think that everyone should be an advocate, whether you are a consumer, whether you're a retailer, processor, lawyer, if you're in the space, you should be serving as an advocate. Otherwise, I don't think that your reason for being here is genuine. I think that it's extremely important for folks who make it up that ladder to reach their hand back. We're seeing that sometimes people don't do that, and it's very detrimental to the industry and to people across the board.

It’s your duty to give back. You don't have to break the bank doing it. You can hire from within the community, purchase goods from the community, and make sure that when people are coming and putting that money into your dispensary, you are making sure that some of it gets back into the community. That could look like doing a book bag drive, aiding like a tiny library, a food panty, community fridges, doing those little things that really matter to the people in your community. 

It’s also showing up to meetings, virtually or if it's in person, to your community board, to your assembly person, to your senator. It’s signing petitions, making sure that if there's a comment period that you were there chiming in, even if it's a couple of sentences, doing your absolute best to give back, no matter what. That is of the utmost importance. And it's not hard to do. That's the thing. It's not hard to do. And if you don't have the words, find someone who can help you with the words.

Annette Fernandez: Advocacy is non-negotiable for us. If you're in the cannabis space, you should be advocating for fair policies and equitable practices... We've spent a lot of our free time, reading through regs, doing webinars, showing up at meetings, making commentary, organizing trips upstate to Albany, all of that for free. And at the end of the day, it's important work to me, and I'm not going to stop that.

There are 50 bills right now on the legislator floor in New York State that challenge the MRTA (Marihuana Regulation & Taxation Act)... At the end of the day, equity is under attack every single day in this market. If you’re a small business owner, whether you're Black, Brown, or white, you're still up against multi-state operator capital and lobbyists and litigation.


High Herstory: How can small businesses in New York City's cannabis market overcome these challenges and how is High Exposure preparing to address them?

Kassia Graham: Capital is a big challenge for small businesses, especially for those led by marginalized communities. The regulatory environment is also tough, with constant changes and challenges to equity provisions. We’re preparing by staying informed, engaged in advocacy, and building strong networks. It’s about resilience and making sure we’re not just surviving but thriving.

Amy Chin: There's also a disconnect of information around the whole supply chain, as well as people who are going from legacy to legal. A lot of the jobs and opportunities are being taken from out of state. Shopkeepers are overwhelmed and are also on a very, very tight budget as well. And I do think that for the ones that do hire, sometimes they are going to hire someone from out-of-state because they believe that because of that prior experience that they're going to have a bigger ROI on choosing that out-of-state person who's been in a mature market. And sometimes not seeing that actually having someone local who is plugged into the community in terms of the plant community and physical location might be a better option. Our thought at High Exposure is to build and encourage circular economy so we can all thrive. 

So we wanted to address that and be the connector within the community so that everyone has a better fighting chance. 

High Herstory: What do you believe makes an effective leader in the cannabis industry?

Annette Fernandez: Staying curious, asking versus telling is an important one. Just because you sold it on the block doesn't mean it's going to be the same as selling it in brick and mortar... Managing employees and leading employees is very different when you have labor laws and the EEOC to answer to.

I think wanting to develop other people and have people grow in your business is also another really important quality in a leader. And even before that, how they choose talent and who they are selecting to hire into their organizations, whether you're a dispensary or a processor or a cultivator. I think that's super important because it adds to the strength and health of your business. Turnover is expensive so employee retention is important. Our leadership training develops leaders who can ask questions, who can coach their employees, who can receive feedback, as well as give it and understand that this is important to create a great place to work. If you want to have a great place to shop and you want to treat your customers well, you've got to treat your employees well.

Kassia Graham: I will also add a willingness to learn and grow. Oftentimes there are people who are very stuck in their ways. And if you're going to be in cannabis, it's not solely about how good something smells or how high a customer can get. You also have to dig deep into the data. Is this a product that is resonating with who my intended audience is, who is my intended audience. Everything is not for everyone and that's okay. 

So being open to understanding what it is that's driving consumers, as opposed to just thinking that if you build it, they will come. You have a lot of competition, and the competition is not just coming from people who are in the licensed market. People are still going to their plug. People are still visiting these random shops that have popped up everywhere now and then.

Also being able to change with the times. Being able turn on a dime like that, because as we can see, it feels like every other day, there's some new sort of lawsuit that is looming. And anyone who doesn't have the capacity to cope with all of those consistent changes and those, you know, fits and starts that we have in the industry, unfortunately, are not going to have the best outcome.

High Herstory: You mentioned moving away from traditional models of capitalism. What does that look like for you?

Amy Chin: I think another great thing about High Exposure is that we love to amplify: amplify good messages, and amplify companies that are doing good. The saying “collaboration over competition” has become popular but it’s not always practiced. Competition is so cutthroat right now. I think that at High Exposure, we want to lead by example and are very intentional about the work that we do. We are showing the industry that it can be possible to live by this phrase. 

Annette Fernandez: It goes back to like this whole notion of like, can we be good capitalists? How can we model what it means to be equitable? And equitable means like, for example, in this partnership, we'll be very clear, we're all third owners of this organization, that everything that we do gets broken out like that. No matter what it is. And sometimes that's difficult, right? When one partner brings in something and another partner brings in something, it doesn't matter. It all goes into the pot and we're all a third owners of the organization. 

It means we're co-creating. Co-creating doesn't mean you're going to tell me what I'm going to do because you're the lead on this gig. It's like, no, we're going to sit down and we're going to work out what this means for all of us. So I think that's incredibly challenging and makes it harder to move things quickly. But I think it's worth the time, because if you can get great deals for everyone, then everybody’s doing well. 

That's the way this market should be. Everybody should be able to do well. There are billions of dollars at stake and we're not just talking about retail, we're talking about the entire industry: cannabis tourism, micro licenses, the ancillary businesses, the 60,000 jobs it's creating. I mean, this is a huge industry, and this is only like chapter one of the Grapes of Wrath here.

High Herstory: With the importance of social media and business development, what are the key elements of a successful social media strategy that you advocate for?

Kassia Graham: This last week, I cannot tell you how many accounts with huge followings have just been permanently banned from meta platforms. It sucks to have to play the game and to play by their rules. I don't agree with their rules at all, but it is their platform. A lot of it has to do with the government basically putting these restrictions on people. Even if it's legal in your state, even if it's legal in the majority of the States in the United States. How you market yourself in space is important. That means that you're gonna have to go above and beyond with regards to using playful cannabis-related words. You are going to actually have to think and act and create content that people are going to gravitate towards. In order to create that content, that means that you need to know your audience. A lot of people don't know their audience. It takes time to figure out who is going to be interested in purchasing your products or who is going to come into your dispensary to purchase anything. The person who follows you on social media is not always the person who is going to be your client in the dispensary. And you have to figure out how to cater towards both of those people. And while the person who may like you on social media may not be the person buying from you in the dispensary, though sometimes they're one and the same, if you create content that is appealing, and not stagnant. 

Quite often people end up being shadow-banned or it's just hard to find cannabis accounts for all sorts of random reasons. Consistency is absolutely key. Now, that doesn't mean you have to post every single day, but if you're going to post If you say you're going to post three times a week, post three times a week. If you say that you are going to interact with people X amount of times out of the week, continue doing that. Where is it that you can stand out? Some great examples: Session Goods is popular on Cleaning Tok. Chill Steel Pipes, I love all of their user-generated content. I actually just saw them do one with a bunch of Stanley Cups in the background, and they pull the Stanley Cup to the side, and the Chill comes out. It’s perfect because the color is right and everything just fit in. And I feel that appeals to a certain audience that they're trying to pull in. Whether you're on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, et cetera, all of those places can kick you off whenever it is that they feel like it. So having a robust newsletter is very important.

High Herstory: Can you tell us about your upcoming events and how people can get involved?

High Exposure is redefining what it means to be a leader in the cannabis industry by prioritizing collaboration, community engagement, and unwavering advocacy. In an industry often characterized by instability, fierce competition and rapid expansion, High Exposure is choosing a different path—one that values partnership over rivalry, and community impact over mere profit margins. Their innovative approach serves as a blueprint for how cannabis businesses can thrive through cooperative efforts rather than cutthroat tactics.

By fostering strong, mutually beneficial relationships with local businesses, policymakers, and community organizations, High Exposure demonstrates that the true strength of a business lies in its ability to lift others up. They have embraced the idea that success is not a zero-sum game but rather a collective endeavor where everyone can benefit. This philosophy is particularly relevant in a sector like cannabis, where collaboration can drive sustainable growth, ensure regulatory compliance, and enhance social equity.

Recent research from the Harvard Business Review supports this approach, revealing that organizations which prioritize collaboration over competition are more likely to achieve long-term success. High Exposure embodies this insight, creating an inclusive environment that encourages sharing resources, knowledge, and opportunities. They understand that by working together, businesses can not only enhance their own success but also contribute to a more equitable and just industry.

High Exposure’s commitment to these principles sets a new standard for what it means to be successful in the cannabis world, proving that businesses that prioritize people and partnerships are not only more resilient but also better positioned to navigate the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly evolving market. Check out their upcoming community events and learn more about High Exposure here.

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Halloweed Gift Guide: Cute Bongs, Decor and Creative Weed Costumes for the Ultimate Stoner Halloween

As the leaves turn and the air gets crisp, it’s time to embrace the spirit of Halloween in style—especially for all the cannabis enthusiasts out there! This season, why not combine your love for spooky festivities with your passion for all things cannabis? Whether you’re planning a haunted gathering with friends or simply want to celebrate in your own cozy way, we’ve got you covered with the cutest bongs, creative Halloween costumes, and festive decor that will elevate your spooky season.In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most delightful and whimsical options to make your Halloween unforgettable.


Get Ready for a Spooktacular Stoner Halloween

As the leaves turn and the air gets crisp, it’s time to embrace the spirit of Halloween in style—especially for all the cannabis enthusiasts out there! This season, why not combine your love for spooky festivities with your passion for all things cannabis? Whether you’re planning a haunted gathering with friends or simply want to celebrate in your own cozy way, we’ve got you covered with the cutest bongs, creative Halloween costumes, and festive decor that will elevate your spooky season.In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most delightful and whimsical options to make your Halloween unforgettable. From charming bongs that will be the centerpiece of your smoke session to costume ideas that will have everyone talking, get ready to add a touch of high-spirited fun to your Halloween celebrations. So grab your favorite strain, put on your creative cap, and let’s dive into a world where Halloween meets high vibes!

Just a little heads-up: some links on this page are affiliate links, which means that if you click on them and make a purchase, we might earn a little something-something at no extra cost to you. Rest assured, we only recommend products we truly believe in—because your good vibes are our top priority.


The Best Halloween Bongs

The tricky Jack, the Ripper Bong, is a mischievous jack o’lantern who lets you do the ripping! This colorful novelty bong keeps it Halloween all year long! The translucent orange glass shows the bubble stack inside, and the green stem lets you puff that pumpkin!

This 14mm female glass jack-o-lantern bong stands 7” tall and features a fixed 90º joint with an oil catcher, orange pumpkin glass, base-mounted showerhead perc, and bent green stem mouthpiece. A matching bowl is included. 


The Poisonous Apple Bong by Daily High Club is a 5-inch tall bong made of high-quality glass. It’s designed like a green apple complete with a curved orange colored stem that serves as a mouthpiece. It’s embellished with an awesome skull design decal in gold to give it a dangerous edge. 


Día de los Muertos comes early with the Daily High Club Black Skull Smoking Box. Party till you’re dead with exclusive pieces like the Black Sugar Skull bong and Mariachi Skeleton Silipipe.


This fun pipe stands 7-inches tall and is designed like a friendly jack o’lantern witch. 

Perfect for Halloween parties, this pipe is made from durable silicone so you never have to worry about breaking it. You can keep it looking like new by taking it apart and giving it a routine cleaning every once in a while. It comes with a handled glass bowl so it’s ready to party right out of the box.


Enjoy a bewitching wake n bake each morning with the Witches Brew Cauldron Mug Pipe by Roast & Toast. This unique piece allows you to drink a steaming cup of coffee in the 10-ounce mug portion at the same time you’re enjoying a smooth smoke from the built-in dry pipe! 


Standing tall at 9 inches and with a base width of 5.5 inches, this transparent black cauldron-inspired water pipe comes with its own feet, adding an extra touch of charm. It's equipped with a 14.5mm female joint and a fixed downstem leading to a showerhead perc, ensuring each rip is as smooth as silk.

The Cauldron XL doesn't stop there. It's got a glow bubble top that adds an enchanting touch to your sessions. The mouthpiece, resembling an opaque black stirrer, is emblazoned with a glow-in-the-dark 'H' and smoke decal for that extra flair. And let's not forget the Hemper decal on the backside of the cauldron, completing this mesmerizing design.

Fun Halloween Cannabis Accessories

Each pack not only provides a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience but also includes matching nail wraps to elevate your Halloween look. Whether you're hosting a haunted gathering or enjoying a cozy night in, these rolling papers and nail wraps are the perfect combo to showcase your love for all things Halloween. Embrace the spirit of the season and let your creativity shine with every puff and polish! 


Celebrate Halloween with delightfully frightful merchandise from this limited-edition collaboration from Timeless Vapes. Chad Keith has produced artwork for Queens of the Stone Age, Pantera, and Creature Skateboards. His work is deeply inspired by the old horror movies he grew up watching; combining neon, horror-infused motifs.


Weed Themed Costumes


Cute Stoner Halloween Apparel and Gifts

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5 Questions with the Founders of Upstate Mary: Melissa Eppard and Michelle Bergkamp

Founded by the dynamic duo Melissa Eppard and Michelle Bergkamp, Upstate Mary not only champions high-quality products but also fosters conversations around female wellness and intimacy. In this exclusive interview, we delve into the vision and motivations behind Upstate Mary, exploring how these trailblazing women are reshaping the landscape of CBD and hemp- derived wellness products. Join us as we pose five thought-provoking questions to Melissa and Michelle, uncovering their journey and the powerful message of they’re sharing.

Founded by the dynamic duo Melissa Eppard and Michelle Bergkamp, Upstate Mary not only champions high-quality products but also fosters conversations around female wellness and intimacy. In this exclusive interview, we delve into the vision and motivations behind Upstate Mary, exploring how these trailblazing women are reshaping the landscape of CBD and hemp-derived wellness products. Join us as we pose five thought-provoking questions to Melissa and Michelle, uncovering their journey and the powerful message they’re sharing.

High Herstory: Both of you have faced significant challenges related to sexual health, from breast cancer to PCOS. How have these experiences shaped your vision for Upstate Mary and the products you create?

Melissa Eppard: For the past decade, in my work coaching and mentoring individuals diagnosed with cancer, I’ve encountered countless women who have faced sexual dysfunction due to surgery, treatment, and hormonal changes. While I could provide emotional support and tools to help manage stress and rebuild body confidence, there remained an underlying issue—physical discomfort and lack of arousal—something I personally struggled with as well. One conversation stands out with a young survivor in her early 30’s who said, “I guess I’m just not going to be sexual anymore.” It was both heartbreaking and unacceptable to me. Sexual health is vital to overall emotional and mental well-being. Discovering the benefits of CBD-infused lubricants was truly a breakthrough moment. These products are designed with comfort, connection, confidence, and community in mind, offering a holistic approach to sexual wellness.


HH: Why do you believe it’s important to foster open dialogue about issues like low libido and vaginal dryness? How does Upstate Mary aim to normalize these conversations?

Melissa Eppard: I believe women are naturally good communicators, yet for generations, many of us have inherited a deep sense of shame about our bodies. While the body positivity movement is finally gaining momentum, topics like sexual dysfunction, menstruation, and menopause still carry a heavy stigma. Cultural and religious barriers often add to this, and I want to recognize the privilege it is to even be able to have this conversation. How can we support one another and address these challenges when we’re so often isolated, silenced, or don’t even have the right language to talk about our own bodies and experiences? We shouldn’t have to suffer in silence, and that’s where Upstate Mary comes in. Our mission is to be a source of community and support for women dealing with sexual discomfort and low libido. Through our blog, events, and social media, we’re creating a space for open dialogue and helping to normalize the conversation around these important, yet often overlooked, topics.


HH: Can you walk us through your process for developing products that specifically address discomfort and pain in women’s health? What unique insights do your personal experiences bring to this process?

Michelle Bergkamp: Developing products that address discomfort and pain in women’s health is both a professional and deeply personal journey for me. My own experiences, especially after childbirth and dealing with bladder prolapse, really shaped the way I approached the formulation of these products. I’ve faced the challenges of painful sex and physical discomfort, so I knew firsthand the need to create something that wasn’t just about enhancing pleasure, but also providing relief and healing.


Michelle Bergkamp (con’t.): We started this process by testing every CBD topical and lubricant we could get our hands on. Melissa and I made it a point to take detailed notes separately, recording our thoughts on texture, effectiveness, and overall experience, before coming together to compare results. From the outset, we were clear about our goals: to create products that would meet our uncompromising standards—clean, organic, and free from any ingredients that we couldn’t easily recognize or pronounce. Full spectrum CBD has incredible anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, which I found to be a game-changer in helping with pain relief, especially in intimate situations. Beyond CBD, we carefully selected botanicals that could help increase circulation, promote healing, and reduce discomfort during sex.  Our vision for the Farm to Bedroom™ collection was rooted in delivering the perfect balance of glide and moisture. The products couldn’t absorb too quickly, nor could they leave behind an unpleasant residue. They needed to feel luxurious while also smelling and tasting yummy. We wanted our botanical blend to work in harmony with the full spectrum CBD to increase blood flow and sexual stimulation for a heightened experience.

The formulation process wasn’t a one-and-done affair. We went through multiple rounds of testing, fine-tuning each batch with the help of our partners and other testers. Our year of R&D involved a lot of testing with our partners to find the formula that hit the mark. And let’s be real—it was a lot of fun! Luckily, our husbands were more than willing to be test subjects during this critical development phase, and we think they were pretty lucky too!


HH: How does Upstate Mary engage with and support women navigating similar sexual health challenges? Are there any specific initiatives or resources you’re proud to offer?

Melissa Eppard: As a survivorship coach, I’ve led workshops and hosted numerous support groups over the years, helping women navigate the challenges of life after cancer. Upstate Mary grew out of that work, allowing us to give back by supporting various causes annually. We donate product samples to breast cancer retreats and women-led initiatives, providing educational materials about our offerings. At pop-up events and markets, we spark meaningful conversations about menopause, sexual dysfunction, women’s health and the therapeutic benefits of full spectrum CBD. We also host events, give interviews, speak on podcasts—basically, we’re passionate about talking to anyone willing to engage on these topics! Upstate Mary proudly donates a portion of every sale to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, helping to further our mission of support and empowerment.


HH: Looking ahead, what changes do you hope to see in the conversation around women’s sexual health, and how does Upstate Mary plan to lead or contribute to that change?

Michelle Bergkamp: I’m incredibly hopeful for my daughter’s generation. It feels like we’re in the midst of a significant shift toward normalizing conversations about women’s health issues, and I truly hope that momentum continues. We want Upstate Mary to play a big role in driving that change. Social media has opened the door to discussions that transcend geographical and cultural barriers, making it easier for women to share their stories and resources. 


Michelle Bergkamp (con’t.): However, talking about sex and sexual health on social media can be incredibly challenging due to censorship and the risk of shadowbanning. While these platforms offer a powerful way to connect, educate, and foster community, their algorithms often flag or suppress content related to sexual wellness and cannabis + hemp, even when it’s educational or health-focused. This creates significant limitations for companies like ours, which are trying to have open, honest conversations about topics like sexual dysfunction, pleasure, menopause and the benefits of hemp and cannabis for intimacy.

Shadowbanning means that social media content, despite not violating any clear guidelines, might not show up in followers’ feeds or in search results. This makes it difficult to reach the audiences who would benefit most from these conversations and products like ours. It’s frustrating because it forces us to navigate a fine line between promoting sexual health and avoiding words or imagery that could be misinterpreted by automated systems.

To overcome these challenges, many people (including us) are getting more creative with their messaging. We focus on finding ways to discuss these issues indirectly, using softer language or coding certain terms, but it often feels like we’re all walking on eggshells. Upstate Mary is also committed to building our community off-platform—through blogs, newsletters, and live events—so we can have the real, open conversations that social media might restrict.

Ultimately, it’s important to continue pushing back against these barriers, advocating for sex-positive, shame-free conversations about wellness in every space, including social media. All that said, I’m cautiously optimistic. By openly discussing the real challenges we’re facing and the solutions helping us overcome them, we can create a path for future generations to access this knowledge and find the support they need more easily.

Upstate Mary is currently available online and in select dispensaries. Click here to find out more.

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5 Questions with Angela Pih, Global Chief Marketing Officer at CCELL

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Angela Pih, the dynamic Global Chief Marketing Officer of CCELL, at Hall of Flowers in Santa Rosa. Angela’s wisdom and insight serve as a guiding force for professionals in the cannabis space, making her a true leader in this rapidly evolving industry.


We had the pleasure of sitting down with Angela Pih, the dynamic Global Chief Marketing Officer of CCELL, at Hall of Flowers in Santa Rosa. From the moment we met, we were immediately struck by her genuine warmth and strong sense of community. Even as we stepped outside to chat, Angela was greeted by friends and colleagues, with her CCELL teammates noting, "Angela knows everyone."

Angela’s passion for building brands that not only fulfill their promises but also deeply resonate with consumers was truly inspiring. CCELL’s commitment to fostering community within the cannabis industry shines through in their support of key events like the Sonoma Hills Culinary Experience at Hall of Flowers—which Angela graciously invited us to attend (and yes, it was as delicious as it sounds)—as well as their presence at the Sonoma County Fair, San Francisco Hash Week and the Emerald Cup.

Angela’s wisdom and insight serve as a guiding force for professionals in the cannabis space, making her a true leader in this rapidly evolving industry.


High Herstory: With your extensive experience across cannabis, fashion, beauty, and wellness, how do you see the cannabis industry evolving in terms of branding and consumer engagement, especially for lifestyle-focused products?

Angela Pih: There’s a lot of branding within the cannabis industry, but not a lot of brands. A brand is a promise. A brand has a following. A brand has resonance with its loyal consumers and advocates. I think that in the cannabis industry, because it's still so nascent, we have a lot of very sophisticated branding, and we have some very beautiful packaging, but that's not a brand.


Angela Pih (con’t.): What I do, and what the team over at CCELL is trying to do, is really to create that brand by advocating for this promise of what this community can be and then really powering that. Cannabis is still a movement, and it’s going to be a movement for another decade.

So, your promise can be what it means to you, what resonates for you as a consumer, and the promise that it’s going to do what it says it's going to do. It’s going to work. So, there’s a functional as well as an emotional promise that you’re delivering on.


High Herstory: At CCELL, you oversee brand growth and community development in the U.S. market. What specific strategies have you implemented to help CCELL stand out in the competitive cannabis vaporization space?

Angela Pih: I think you’ll see the velocity of what we've been doing in terms of being embraced by the cannabis community over the course of the last five to six months, starting from SF Hashweek, which we sponsored, as well as supporting the California State Fair Cannabis Awards.

We also supported the Emerald Cup and provided batteries for the vape judges. It was the first time in the 20-year history of the Emerald Cup that judges used the same battery to evaluate all the submissions. So, it created that standard to be able to test and evaluate the best of the best. Then, here at Hall of Flowers, which is not just from a B2B standpoint, today we're going to have 5,000 attendees from the general public come in to experience the industry, enjoy themselves, and have a lot of fun.

Then, in terms of our work with brands, think about a brand like Jetty, which has been a longtime customer of CCELL. Airo has also been a long-time customer, and we've built all of their tech from their battery to their pods.

We're about to kick off a performance marketing campaign for Airo across the Leafly platform that's going to have full attribution to conversion. I really believe in omni-channel campaigns. Having come from brands, being able to develop omni-channel campaigns for a B2B customer is key. As a technology brand, CCELL is helping support the investment of that advertising through the entire model: starting from search, going into sponsored content and emails through the Leafly platform, and in-app notifications, all the way down to the POS level to show conversion and attribution.

We're supporting that for 60 days across a dozen states across the U.S. No ancillary brand has ever done that before.

I love doing three things: I love doing things that haven’t been done before, I love building brands, and I love building teams.

CCell Vision Box

High Herstory: Your success at CannaCraft saw the launch of GEM + JANE, a cannabis-infused beverage brand aimed at women. How do you approach creating products that resonate with specific demographics, and how has that shaped your overall marketing philosophy?

Angela Pih: So, you just met Elise McDonough when we were walking here. She was a brand manager when I was working at CannaCraft. We collaborated strongly and created GEM + JANE together from concept. I got to name it, create the look and feel, and really hone in on this created-for-women-by-women infused beverage brand, which we launched in five distinct flavors.

We kept it within a very tight demographic because we understood that we were going to go niche. We weren't going to be everything to everybody. We were going to seriously target women who are looking to switch it up—those looking for sessionable, low-dose, infused beverages for a great Sunday brunch, a girls' night in, or to relax at the end of the day.

Based on what we understood about that consumer demographic, we created a product and a brand that was going to resonate with them. We had amazing flavors like yuzu raspberry rose, elderflower hibiscus, and also just a seltzer water that’s non-flavored, so you could use it for mixing.

We also had three out of the five SKUs that were THCV before THCV was really big because you want to be alert. You want to have functional benefits from cannabis. I think a lot of that came through the work I was doing both at Care By Design at CannaCraft and my early days at Papa & Barkley, looking at minor cannabinoids as a way of consuming cannabis for functional daytime use.

We’re not just a nighttime wind-down-your-day type of industry. Let’s look at how cannabis can help you be more effective, more focused, and more energetic. We do know that pain, anxiety, and sleep are the top three reasons why consumers look to cannabis for wellness or recreation. We have so many minor cannabinoids that we can leverage.


High Herstory: What do you think is missing in cannabis marketing in the current landscape?

Angela Pih: I think brands within cannabis try to be everything to everybody. People are like, "Well, it's weed. Everybody wants weed.” And that’s yes and no. You have to find your people.

There’s this brand that I really love called Fishwhistle. In terms of how targeted they are with their community and narrative, they understand their behaviors. I feel that brands that are able to find their core consumer and who they resonate with will become more successful over time. As consumers, we buy a whole lot of different things, and you instantly recognize whether something is for you or not—and then you just filter out the noise.

That’s not my brand. That’s not for me. That doesn’t resonate with me.


High Herstory: As someone who thrives in high-growth companies, what lessons from your journey would you share with professionals looking to enter the cannabis industry?

Angela Pih: Surround yourself with people who are really passionate about what they do and are really good at it. I would say that's the secret sauce. We work 16-hour days, and if you don’t love it, don’t believe in it, and aren’t good at it, it’s really going to suck.

I have a no-nonsense policy. I don't care how talented you are. If you're not a good person, we can't work together. I can teach you many things to be better at your job and to be effective, but I can’t teach you to be a good person. That’s something you have to bring to the team. It’s a bad situation when you have a bad apple, and if you continue to allow that person to poison the well, you’re enabling bad behavior that affects your entire team.

This is a purpose-driven industry. We're not making tech-level money. So, if you don’t believe in it, it's going to be really hard to keep pushing every single day. This is a 100% relationship industry, and that means you have to put yourself out there. You have to build your friendships, your alliances, and find the people who support you and help you through tough days. Find your people—those who can help support you and make you feel better—because it’s not for the faint of heart.

You really need to work three to four times harder, and I think that’s even more true for women. We’re constantly proving ourselves and showing that we deserve the positions we’re in.

I feel like it's part of our responsibility—because I’m privileged to be at a certain level of seniority within my company and have access within the cannabis industry—to embrace and bring other people in and create connections.

I don’t actually see myself in competition, even with brands that see themselves as head-to-head competitors to CCELL. I talk to my friends who work at iSpire. We’re still in this one community. We’re still growing, still small, and there’s a long way to go. We’re in the second inning of this game.

Since you’re in New York, you probably know Lulu Tsui of On The Revel. She’s like my sister, and she has that kind of energy: We’re all in this together. If you want to be a part of it, just jump in. There’s space for you, and I feel that we all need to do that and create opportunities for other women.

One thing I really want to add: As women in business, and in cannabis, it’s important to know your worth.

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A New Era: High Herstory's Experience at Hall of Flowers 2024

As founders of High Herstory, we had the incredible opportunity to cover Hall of Flowers 2024, and what an experience it was! This year, the event evolved into a vibrant festival that brought together the cannabis community like never before, turning the cannabis scene into a full-blown celebration of community and creativity.


As founders of High Herstory, we had the incredible opportunity to cover Hall of Flowers 2024, and what an experience it was! This year, the event evolved into a vibrant festival that brought together the cannabis community like never before, turning the cannabis scene into a full-blown celebration of community and creativity. Hall of Flowers has always been California's go-to cannabis trade show, but 2024 took it up a notch (or three!). Saturday was the first time the event was open to the public. The air felt electric as thousands of cannabis enthusiasts poured in, ready to explore, sample, and connect with their favorite brands. The energy was contagious!


We loved wandering through the bustling fairgrounds, soaking in the excitement as passionate consumers mingled with exhibitors. The direct-to-consumer sales model created an intimate vibe, allowing us to meet both familiar faces and fresh new brands. It was a beautiful reminder of how powerful community can be in this ever-evolving industry and how important it is to connect with your fellow cannabis enthusiasts.


Breaking Records and Celebrating Culture

One of the most unforgettable moments? OCB smashing the world record for the most joints rolled simultaneously! Talk about a joint effort! The festival really brought out the community and got them to participate! We loved that OCB papers were plentiful at the event and we learned so much about the quality and craftsmanship that these papers have been bringing to the smoking community for over 100 years!


Sonoma Hills Farms: A Highly Culinary Delight

Speaking of deliciousness, we were blown away by the incredible dining experience from Sonoma Hills Farm. With their premium craft cannabis and organic culinary garden, they treated us to a farm-to-table feast that was nothing short of magical. Each bite was a celebration of flavor and sustainability—definitely a highlight! We loved that this festival had everything covered. Food, beverages, ample space and an amazing crowd.


Fun and Festivities Galore

The fun didn’t stop there! The festival was bursting with games, rides, and a DJ spinning tracks that kept everyone dancing. We couldn’t resist hopping on carnival rides and trying our luck at games while soaking up the lively atmosphere. Artists showcased their talents throughout the venue, adding an extra splash of creativity to our day.


Insightful Conversations

Of course, it wasn’t all just fun and games! The Core Conversations series offered us nuggets of wisdom from industry leaders. We were inspired by discussions on equity, sustainability, and innovation in cannabis. These thought-provoking talks sparked ideas about how we can contribute to this dynamic landscape through High Herstory.


A Vision for the Future

Hall of Flowers 2024 was more than just an event; it was a jubilant celebration of what happens when we come together as a community. As we look ahead to future adventures, we’re pumped about continuing to build connections that empower entrepreneurs and elevate voices in this vibrant industry. This year that felt especially prominent in the curation of brands that were present at the event. We learned about a lot of new brands and saw some of our favorites as well. Overall, we highly recommend attending if you are a cannabis industry professional or even just a lover of the plant.


We were so honored to be included in Hall of Flower’s Wall of Women!

Reflecting on our experience at Hall of Flowers, we’re reminded that this is just the beginning. With each passing year, we see endless opportunities for growth, collaboration, and innovation within cannabis culture. We can’t wait for what’s next—let’s keep this party rolling!

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Mary & Jane: Meet the Microdose Melt Revolution in Cannabis Edibles

Mary & Jane was created for people who want the functional benefits of the cannabis plant without the fear of taking too much. Enter their microdose edible melts aptly named “Sunny” which boast a precise 1mg of THC. It's like a finely tuned dose of "just right," so you don’t have to call your therapist to talk about how high you got last weekend.


Just a little heads-up: some links on this page are affiliate links, which means that if you click on them and make a purchase, we might earn a little something-something at no extra cost to you. Rest assured, we only recommend products we truly believe in—because your good vibes are our top priority.

Mary & Jane was created for people who want the functional benefits of the cannabis plant without the fear of taking too much. Enter their microdose edible melts aptly named “Sunny” which boast a precise 1mg of THC. It's like a finely tuned dose of "just right," so you don’t have to call your therapist to talk about how high you got last weekend.

At High Herstory, we are always looking for a reliable and consistent experience when consuming the plant. It was eye opening to learn that the Mary & Jane co-founders, Laura Ross and Rachel Dillion, wanted to provide a precise and user-friendly alternative to the often unpredictable realm of edibles. Through countless personal experiments, the founders discovered that the missing piece of their cannabis journey was control—a critical element that would empower users to explore the plant’s potential safely. We were lucky enough to be gifted a box of Sunny to review and are excited to share our thoughts about the microdosed melts below.


Sunny melts are fast-acting edibles that allow for a tailored experience, enabling users to gradually discover their perfect dose. Gone are the days of post-edible regret; instead, say hello to thoughtful consumption that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Sunny arose from a happy accident during some DIY experimentation, resulting in a vibrant fusion of kanna and cannabis. The combination sparked an unexpected yet welcomed mood shift, transforming daily anxieties into a blissful, creative energy. Currently available in the flavor passion fruit, these melts are also vegan, sugar-free and gluten-free which I think is a very thoughtful touch.


At first I was excited to bring these melts to my next happy hour for a little bit of sparkle without the worry that I will end up in a corner wondering why my name has so many letters. We’ve all been there right? The addition of Kanna (nature’s happy plant) and rapid onset time is perfect to give your creativity a boost while also managing your dosage. My excitement turned to pure bliss when trying these melts. I really like to be mindful of my consumption and the way these edibles melt in your mouth reminds me of a mint and I really love that they are sugar free! I have taken my Sunny melts to happy hours where I don’t want to have alcohol and they really make me feel social and fun.

I like that Mary & Jane’s Sunny melts make it easier than ever to navigate the world of edibles without turning your evening into an episode of “Survivor: Edibles Edition”. They are so easy to throw in your purse and the low THC content means that I can use them in the day time and never be afraid of couch lock. I sometimes take one before working on this website and honestly it is the perfect amount for me to be productive and focused. I also like that I don’t have to worry too much about going overboard, it really alleviates some of the social anxiety I feel at times about edibles.


Mary & Jane are not just creating edibles; they’re nurturing a culture of informed, responsible consumption that invites everyone to discover the beauty of the cannabis plant—one microdose at a time. In a world full of complexities, Mary & Jane is here to keep it light, fun, and—most importantly—controlled. Get ready to discover the joys of microdosing, one delicious MG at a time. You can find out where Mary & Jane is available near you here.

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5 Questions with KANHA’s CMO Angela Cheng at Hall of Flowers

We love mindful consumption. KANHA edibles utilize nanomolecular technology for a quicker onset and higher absorption rate which means you know the garden gummies are working 5-15 minutes after taking them. Last month, we got to chat with their CMO, Angela Cheng about the release of KANHA Minis and their FX line at Hall of Flowers.


KANHA has long been at the forefront of crafting some of the best edibles on the market. We have been long time fans of the brand, not only because of the quality of their delicious gummies (they have won countless awards for consistency and flavor) but because their products are engineered to fit into your lifestyle in specific ways. We love mindful consumption. KANHA edibles utilize nanomolecular technology for a quicker onset and higher absorption rate which means you know the garden gummies are working 5-15 minutes after taking them. Last month, we got to chat with their CMO, Angela Cheng about the release of KANHA Minis and their FX line at Hall of Flowers in Santa Rosa.


High Herstory: With the opening of your new manufacturing facility in Thailand, how do you see KANHA’s role evolving in both the domestic and global cannabis edibles market? What challenges and opportunities come with this international expansion?

The expansion into Thailand is a huge milestone for us. Thailand’s stance on cannabis for medical and wellness use gives us an exciting opportunity to bring KANHA to a brand-new market. Domestically, we’ve built a reputation for setting the bar high in the edibles space, and now we’re bringing that same level of quality and consistency to the global stage. The opportunity is to show the world what KANHA stands for—delivering the same trusted product no matter where you are.


HH: KANHA recently partnered with The Beach Koh Samui, Asia's first cannabis wellness spa. How do you envision cannabis-infused edibles playing a role in the wellness and spa industry, particularly in markets where cannabis is still emerging?

Wellness is a perfect match for KANHA, especially with our FX line, which is designed for targeted effects like sleep, energy, and relaxation. At The Beach Koh Samui, our cannabis edibles are adding a whole new dimension to the wellness experience, complementing traditional treatments in a natural and safe way. Guests can unwind, recharge, or find that extra energy boost through our products. In emerging markets, edibles can introduce consumers to cannabis in a more approachable way, aligning with the trend toward holistic health and wellness.


HH: KANHA FX and Minis represent new product categories focused on specific effects and different formats. What drove your decision to diversify the product line?

Innovation is at the core of everything we do. KANHA was the first brand to introduce nano technology in cannabis edibles, pioneering fast-acting effects in the space. Cannabis isn’t a one-size-fits-all product, and as consumer preferences evolve, we’ve pushed the boundaries by creating products that offer more personalized experiences. Our FX line—with minor cannabinoids like THCV, CBN, and CBG—represents the next wave of cannabis innovation, providing targeted effects like energy, relaxation, or sleep.


HH: How do you anticipate consumer preferences shifting in the cannabis edibles space?

The demand for convenience also inspired our Minis, hard-shell chocolate bites that are discreet, portable, and stackable. At 4mg each and 25 delicious bites per pack, it’s the product I use daily. As the market matures, we believe consumers will continue to seek out products that are not only tailored to their needs but also innovative in terms of delivery, convenience, and quality.


HH: Expanding into new markets like Illinois while maintaining profitability in a challenging industry is no small feat. What strategies have you implemented to ensure KANHA’s continued growth and profitability, even in the face of market fluctuations?

Expanding is always a balancing act—scaling up while maintaining quality is critical. Education is key to our strategy, especially in new markets, so consumers really understand the value of what we offer. We’re also optimizing our supply chain to stay nimble and efficient, which helps us keep costs down. Building strong relationships with retailers and budtenders has been another focus because they’re often the first point of contact for consumers. If they know our products inside and out, that translates to better sales and loyalty. Data is our guide, too—we’re using it to fine-tune our product mix and make smart distribution decisions.

KANHA products are available in dispensaries and for delivery across many states. You can find where KANHA edibles are available near you here.

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5 Questions with Ernst Rustenhoven, CEO of ILGM

In this Q&A, Rustenhoven shares insights into the origins of ILGM, highlights some of their most unique strain offerings, and discusses how the company adapts to the ever-evolving cannabis regulatory landscape. He also elaborates on the importance of feminized seeds and the motivation behind ILGM's comprehensive grow guides.

High Herstory had the opportunity to meet Ernst Rustenhoven, CEO of I Love Growing Marijuana (ILGM), at Hall of Flowers. Since its founding in 2012, ILGM has emerged as a leading cannabis seed bank, known for its extensive range of premium seeds and commitment to educating growers at all levels.

In this Q&A, Rustenhoven shares insights into the origins of ILGM, highlights some of their most unique strain offerings, and discusses how the company adapts to the ever-evolving cannabis regulatory landscape. He also elaborates on the importance of feminized seeds and the motivation behind ILGM's comprehensive grow guides. Whether you're a novice or an experienced cultivator, ILGM provides valuable perspectives on cultivating cannabis with confidence and creativity.

High Herstory: How was ILGM founded?

Ernst Rustenhoven: ILGM was founded in 2012 by a cannabis cultivation enthusiast. We offer a diverse selection of premium seeds, along with exceptional customer support and educational resources, to empower growers at all levels to cultivate with confidence. 

High Herstory: What are the most unique strain seeds that ILGM sells?

Ernst Rustenhoven: ILGM recently launched a limited-edition collaboration with Green Bodhi, a boutique breeder known for integrating ancient wisdom with modern organic practices to sustainably produce potent genetics. The partnership featured three unique strains:

Hazy Girl Strain

Reminiscent of freshly baked pastries, Hazy Girl exudes a sweet scent followed by skunky undertones that provide calming effects to help ease the mind after a long day.

Mystery Haze Strain

Powerful and potent, Mystery Haze features candy-like notes intertwined with a hint of hazy undertones to produce peaceful and uplifting effects that keep you content day or night. 

Golden Pineapple Strain

Ferociously fruity with a hint of spice, Golden Pineapple offers energizing effects, making it ideal for daytime consumption. 

In general, we aim to regularly provide our customers with new strain varieties, sometimes in limited seed drops. We ensure that we stay on top of the trends, delivering the strains the cannabis community is looking for right now. We however also want to ensure that our customers with a particular taste, or who are eager to explore, are being serviced at ILGM. We collaborate with selected breeders to bring unique strain drops that provide exactly that.


High Herstory: How does ILGM navigate the constantly changing regulations in the cannabis space?

Ernst Rustenhoven: At ILGM, we grow with the changing regulations. For example, when New York legalized home grow, we offered 420 people in NY $100 worth of free cannabis seeds if they signed up to our newsletter. It was a fun way to help cannabis lovers get access to premium seeds to start their home grow journey.


High Herstory: What do you wish people would understand about feminized seeds?

Ernst Rustenhoven: Feminized seeds provide a more dynamic growing experience compared to autoflower seeds. These plants can become as successful as you make them, and it’s extra rewarding when you do it right. For those who want to read more about the different types of seeds available, including feminized seeds, we recommend reading our article on this topic.


High Herstory: We love your grow guides on ILGM.com What inspired the company to create such an in-depth resource on cannabis cultivation?

Ernst Rustenhoven: This is what ILGM started as; an educational blog about how to cultivate cannabis. Eventually, we added seed sales as an enhancement for our audience. We found that there are not many in-depth resources to learn how to grow cannabis so we sought out to change that. We aim to help growers every step of the way!

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How To How To

Ultimate Guide to Making the Easiest DIY Stoner Girl Weed Costume: Perfect for Halloween!

Halloween is just around the corner, and if you're looking for a unique, eye-catching costume that celebrates cannabis culture, look no further! This guide will walk you through creating your very own DIY stoner girl costume that's sure to be a hit at any Halloween party or event. The best part? It’s really easy to make! Perfect for last-minute plans.

Halloween is just around the corner, and if you're looking for a unique, eye-catching costume that celebrates cannabis culture, look no further! This guide will walk you through creating your very own DIY stoner girl costume that's sure to be a hit at any Halloween party or event. The best part? It’s really easy to make! Perfect for last-minute plans.

Special thanks to Abby, the co-founder of Catherine Marion - a one-stop shop for women of color interested in joining the natural hair movement by providing well-sourced products and information, for modeling the costume in the picture above!

This website may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on a link and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.


DIY Dime Bag of Weed Costume: Easy Steps to Create a Fun and Unique Outfit

If you're looking for a standout Halloween costume that’s both humorous and creative, why not go as a plastic bag of weed? This playful costume is sure to get laughs and compliments at any party. Here’s how to make your very own DIY plastic bag of weed costume!


Materials Needed

Gather the following materials to get started:

  1. Clear plastic garbage bag (large size)

  2. Green or black clothing (t-shirt or leggings for a base layer)

  3. Green Leaves (for the weed)

  4. Safety Pins (to pin the bag to you)

  5. Optional accessories: sunglasses, a beanie, or other stoner-themed items, cool gloves


Step 1: Create the Bag of Weed

  1. Prepare the Garbage Bag: Fill the bag with leaves.

  2. Add Details: You can use a black marker or fabric paint to write “BAG OF WEED” on the front of the plastic bag if you want it to be very obvious...


Step 2: Assemble Your Outfit

  1. Pin the plastic bag to your base layer

  2. Accessorize: Add fun accessories like oversized sunglasses, a beanie, or even a fake joint to enhance your look.


Step 3: Finishing Touches

  1. Makeup: Consider using green face paint to add some fun designs on your face that match the theme.

  2. Hair: Style your hair in loose waves or braids for that relaxed stoner vibe.

  3. Confidence is Key: The most important part of any costume is wearing it with confidence! Embrace your unique look and have fun with it.

With just a few materials and imagination, you can craft an unforgettable outfit that will make you the life of any Halloween party.

Looking for a ready made weed costume? Check these out!

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Top 10 Boot Trends for 2025: Must-Have Amazon Boots for Every Occasion

Whether you're gearing up for a music festival, looking for stylish boots to complete your outfit, or need durable pairs for outdoor adventures, Amazon has a vast selection of boots to suit every need. In this article, we've curated the top 10 Amazon boots that are not only trendy but also highly rated by shoppers. Discover your next favorite pair and get ready to rock any event, from casual outings to festive gatherings!

Whether you're gearing up for a music festival, looking for stylish boots to complete your outfit, or need durable pairs for outdoor adventures, Amazon has a vast selection of boots to suit every need. In this article, we've curated the top 10 Amazon boots that are not only trendy but also highly rated by shoppers. Discover your next favorite pair and get ready to rock any event, from casual outings to festive gatherings!

Some of the links in this article are affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through these links. This helps support our website and allows us to continue providing valuable content. We only recommend products that we genuinely believe will be of value to our readers.


Amazon Boots: Fall 2025 Boots Trends

  1. Kitten Heel Boots

Amazon Boots, Fall Boots 2024, Fall Boots

Kitten heel boots are making a stylish resurgence this Fall 2024, offering the perfect blend of comfort and chic elegance. With heels typically measuring between 1.5 to 2 inches, these boots provide a subtle lift without sacrificing comfort, making them an ideal choice for all-day wear.

Fashion designers like Valentino and Altuzarra have embraced this trend, showcasing various styles in their recent collections. From ankle boots to knee-high options, kitten heel boots are versatile enough to pair with everything from casual jeans to sophisticated dresses.

Amazon Boots, Fall Boots 2024, Fall Boots

The cushioned insoles provide excellent support, making them suitable for extended wear. Some users noted that while the materials may not feel like genuine leather, the overall design and comfort make these boots a fantastic value for the price.


2. Cowboy Boots


Cowboy boots are making a triumphant return as a fashion trend for Fall 2024, seamlessly blending classic Western charm with modern style. This season, these iconic boots are not just for country music fans; they have become a versatile staple in the wardrobes of fashion enthusiasts everywhere.With their distinctive silhouette, cowboy boots can elevate any outfit, from casual jeans and tees to chic dresses and skirts. Designers like Chloé and Celine have showcased these boots on the runway, proving their timeless appeal and adaptability. Celebrities like Taylor Swift and Kendall Jenner have been spotted rocking cowboy boots, further cementing their status as a must-have accessory.


Customers rave about the comfort and fit of these cowboy boots, noting they are "really cute and comfortable" and easy to put on thanks to the side zipper. Users have found them perfect for long events, stating they walked all night without discomfort. However, some reviews mention that the calf opening may be too large for those with narrower calves. With an average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars, the Jeossy 9808 Cowboy Boots are a fantastic choice for anyone seeking fashionable and functional footwear that captures the spirit of the West


3. Silver Boots


Silver boots are set to shine as a standout fashion trend for Fall 2024, bringing a sleek and futuristic edge to autumn wardrobes. With their metallic sheen, these boots offer a bold alternative to traditional footwear, effortlessly elevating any outfit. Whether paired with casual jeans or a chic dress, silver boots add a touch of modern sophistication that is both eye-catching and versatile.

Crafted from high-quality faux leather, these silver ankle boots offer durability and sophistication in one sleek package. The sharp pointed toe and sturdy stiletto heel create a slender silhouette that elongates your legs, while the edgy buckle detail adds a touch of punk-inspired flair.


4.. Moto Boots


This season, expect to see moto boots adorned with buckles, studs, and metal detailing, reflecting a modern twist on classic motorcycle footwear. Influential brands like Miu Miu and Acne have showcased these boots on the runway, highlighting their versatility and appeal. Fashion enthusiasts are embracing moto boots not just for their edgy vibe but also for their ability to pair seamlessly with various outfits, from flowy dresses to tailored blazers.


5. Brown Boots


Fashion experts predict that shades of brown, from chocolatey tones to lighter browns, will become a staple in many wardrobes this autumn. These boots can effortlessly transition from casual looks to more polished ensembles, making them a must-have for any fashion enthusiast. Whether styled with jeans, skirts, or dresses, brown boots add a sophisticated touch that enhances any outfit.


6. Burgundy and Red Boots

The appeal of burgundy lies in its ability to elevate any look, whether you're dressing up for a night out or keeping it casual during the day. As noted in recent fashion insights, burgundy boots are perfect for adding a touch of luxury to your ensemble while maintaining a timeless quality that ensures they will never go out of style. Many designers have showcased this color on the runway, highlighting its versatility and sophistication.


7. Snake Boots


8. Suede Boots


Suede boots are making a stylish comeback this Fall 2024, offering a perfect blend of comfort and elegance. Known for their soft texture and rich colors, these boots are ideal for transitioning from summer to autumn. As the weather cools, suede boots provide warmth while maintaining a chic aesthetic, making them a versatile choice for any wardrobe.


Key trends such as kitten heels, moto boots, and the timeless appeal of brown and burgundy boots showcase the season's focus on both comfort and style. The resurgence of retro elements, particularly the influence of the 1960s and punk aesthetics, adds a nostalgic yet modern twist to contemporary fashion.As you prepare for the upcoming season, consider how these trends can enhance your personal style. Whether you opt for edgy moto boots for a night out or classic brown boots for everyday wear, Fall 2024 invites you to mix and match these styles to create looks that are uniquely yours. Embrace the trends, experiment with different combinations, and step confidently into the season ahead!

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Embracing Cannabis Wellness: A Weekend Getaway Guide to Visiting Arizona with Your Besties 🍃

Welcome to an enlightened “woo woo” journey through the mystical realms of cannabis in the heart of Arizona. Join us as we embark on a Women X Weed Weekend, blending cannabis exploration with the enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture of the Grand Canyon State. Our adventure begins in Phoenix, where we dive into the flourishing cannabis scene before venturing into the red rock wonderland of Sedona.

Welcome to an enlightened “woo woo” journey through the mystical realms of cannabis in the heart of Arizona. Join us as we embark on a Women X Weed Weekend, blending cannabis exploration with the enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture of the Grand Canyon State. Our adventure begins in Phoenix, where we dive into the flourishing cannabis scene before venturing into the red rock wonderland of Sedona.

Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a curious newcomer, Arizona offers a wealth of opportunities to engage with wellness and cannabis culture in all its forms, from wellness-focused dispensaries to experiential activities that blend spirituality with adventure. Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the hidden gems of Arizona's cannabis landscape, where each encounter promises to ignite the senses and elevate the soul.

Throughout this article, there may be instances of paid promotion or sponsored content. However, High Herstory maintains editorial independence and integrity, ensuring that all recommendations and endorsements are genuine and in alignment with our mission to provide valuable and authentic experiences for our readers. We strive to transparently disclose any sponsored content to maintain trust and transparency with our audience.

Curaleaf: A cannabis dispensary with locations in Phoenix and Sedona.

Curaleaf’s Airport Location in Phoenix, AZ.

Our first stop, after we landed in Arizona, was to Curaleaf's newest Phoenix Arizona location, conveniently situated just a stone's throw away from the airport. This made it so convenient to swing by in our rental car on our way to our cannabis-friendly hotel! As we stepped into the welcoming ambiance of the dispensary, we were greeted by the friendly faces of their attentive and knowledgeable staff. Their passion for cannabis and commitment to customer satisfaction shone through as they guided us through the vast array of products with genuine enthusiasm.

Curaleaf, AZ. Devine Desert Healing AU: 00000026ESRZ88769978

The retail space exuded charm and sophistication, with every corner thoughtfully curated to create an inviting atmosphere. From sleek displays showcasing premium flower to shelves adorned with artisanal edibles and accessories, Curaleaf's Phoenix location was a feast for the senses. We couldn't help but pick out a few fun edibles and accessories we hadn’t tried yet, eager to elevate our cannabis experience to new heights. We got some JAMS Tarts in the flavors Tangerine and Strawberry. They were the perfect microdose at 2.5 MGs and the cute container is so easy to carry in a purse or tote. We also got a cute little glass piece that would come in handy on the road.

Our experience with Curaleaf continued to exceed expectations as we ventured into their smaller Sedona location. Despite its smaller size, the dispensary boasted an impressive selection that catered to a diverse range of preferences. Once again, we were met with the same level of exceptional service from their dedicated budtenders, who eagerly shared their expertise and product recommendations. Their enthusiasm for the plant and for their dispensary was palpable.

Among our finds at the Sedona location were the Select drink drops in the flavor of Strawberry Lemonade, promising to add a touch of cannabis-infused bliss to our cocktail creations. We also couldn't resist stocking up on some delectable “Baked” goodies from Top Shelf, perfect for indulging in during our vortex getaway amidst the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona. These were some of the most beautiful brownie edibles we have ever had. Annette was eating one for breakfast pretty much every day! 

With each visit to Curaleaf, we felt not only well taken care of but also like we discovered innovative and new products we haven’t tried yet! We also really appreciated that their budtenders took the time to explain products and answer questions without being condescending.


Sunday Goods is bringing the speakeasy vibes.

Our journey through the vibrant cannabis landscape of Arizona led us to Sunday Goods. We visited one of their newest dispensaries located conveniently near the Phoenix Airport. From the moment we approached the entrance, adorned with the cutest cactus blow-up guy, we knew we were in for a unique experience. 

The dispensary exuded a speakeasy vibe, reminiscent of a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. As we stepped inside, we were greeted by an atmosphere that instantly passed the vibe check, setting the stage for our cannabis exploration.

The interior of Sunday Goods was a testament to thoughtful design and curation, with every detail meticulously crafted to enhance the customer experience. The space was adorned with an array of products, each carefully selected to cater to a diverse range of preferences and tastes. 

From premium flower to artisanal edibles and concentrates, Sunday Goods offered an extensive selection that left us spoiled for choice.

It was evident that a lot of thought had gone into not only the brands they offered but also how customers would respond to the products. Engaging with the knowledgeable staff at Sunday Goods was a highlight of our visit, as we exchanged insights and recommendations, deepening our appreciation for the art and science of cannabis consumption. If you get a chance to visit Sunday Goods be sure to mention "HIGHERSTORY" for 20% off when you shop in-store. :) 


What truly set Sunday Goods apart was their house line of cannabis products, aptly named Sunday Goods. From the moment we laid eyes on their beautifully packaged products, we knew we were in for a treat. The packaging was not only aesthetically pleasing but also incredibly practical, with easy-to-read labeling that guided us through our selection process. 

As we indulged in their premium flower, we were delighted to find that the buds were as beautiful as they were potent, delivering a smoke experience that was just right. We were particularly enamored with their pre-rolls, not only for their convenience but also for their show-stopping old-school cigarette-style packaging that added a touch of nostalgia to our cannabis journey.

The merch is also adorable. We also picked up these j’adore flowers hat to protect us from the blazing sun. 


Definitely make Sunday Goods dispensary a stop right after you land from the airport. It was a true delight to bask in the laid-back atmosphere, peruse through an impressive and eclectic assortment of products, and chat with the delightful staff. We can’t wait to return!


In the cannabis industry, finding a brand that consistently delivers quality and transparency can be a challenge. Enter Bold Behavior, a brand that's making waves with their meticulously crafted flower and delectable edibles. We had the opportunity to try out their premium products, which were generously gifted to us, and we're excited to share our experience. From beautiful packaging to the rich aromas and flavors, Bold Behavior has set a high standard in the industry.


We loved how beautiful the flower was and the packaging kept the cannabis fresh and in manageable portions. Their edibles are calibrated to the experience you’d like to have and come in Sativa, Hybrid and Indica so you can be sure you know what kind of THC infused experience you are going to have. You can read our full review of Bold Behavior Flower and Edibles here as well as find a list of Arizona dispensaries that carry the Black female owned brand.


Sedona Restaurant Recommendations: Culinary Delights to Satisfy Every Craving

No cannabis-infused adventure is complete without indulging in the culinary delights of Arizona. Treat your taste buds to a feast of flavors at The Coffee Pot Restaurant.


The Coffee Pot

Nestled at the base of Coffee Pot Rock, this iconic restaurant is a beloved Sedona institution. The Coffee Pot is famous for its extensive breakfast menu, boasting an impressive 101 omelet varieties. Whether you’re craving a classic ham and cheese or a more adventurous combination like avocado and chorizo, there’s an omelet here for everyone. Beyond breakfast, The Coffee Pot also serves a variety of lunch options, including hearty sandwiches, fresh salads, and traditional Mexican dishes. The casual, diner-style atmosphere and friendly service make it a perfect spot for families and travelers looking to refuel before a day of hiking and sightseeing. 

The Mexican Food at Sedona’s Coffee Pot was impressively delicious.


The Hudson

For a more upscale dining experience with a view, The Hudson is a must-visit. Located in Hillside Sedona, this modern American eatery offers stunning panoramic views of Sedona’s red rocks, best enjoyed from their spacious patio. The Hudson prides itself on using locally sourced ingredients to craft delectable dishes that range from innovative appetizers like the truffle fries to mouthwatering entrees such as the grilled ribeye steak and the pan-seared salmon. Their extensive wine list and creative cocktails also make it an excellent choice for a romantic dinner or a celebratory meal. With its chic ambiance and exceptional service, The Hudson provides a dining experience that is both sophisticated and inviting.

Moondog’s Pizza & Dinner

If you’re in the mood for a more relaxed, family-friendly setting, Moondog’s Pizza & Dinner is a great option. This cozy restaurant offers a laid-back atmosphere and a menu filled with comfort food favorites. Moondog’s is particularly known for its hand-tossed pizzas, available in a variety of classic and gourmet toppings. Their menu also includes hearty pasta dishes, juicy burgers, and fresh salads, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Perfect for a casual night out, Moondog’s Pizza & Dinner combines delicious food with a welcoming environment, making it a hit with both locals and visitors.

These restaurant recommendations in Sedona, AZ, provide a glimpse into the town’s diverse culinary scene. Whether you’re in the mood for a quick bite, a scenic dining experience, or a cozy pizza night, Sedona has something to satisfy every palate.

Elote Cafe

A true gem in Sedona’s culinary scene, Elote Cafe offers an unforgettable dining experience with its creative take on Mexican and Southwestern cuisine. Chef Jeff Smedstad draws inspiration from his travels through Mexico, bringing bold flavors and fresh ingredients to every dish. Popular items include the elote (Mexican street corn), smoked pork cheeks, and the corn crusted scallops. The warm, inviting atmosphere and exceptional service make Elote Cafe a top choice for those looking to enjoy an elevated and authentic dining experience.

Mariposa Latin Inspired Grill

For those seeking a blend of Latin flavors and stunning views, Mariposa Latin Inspired Grill is the place to be. Situated on a scenic bluff, Mariposa offers breathtaking vistas of Sedona’s red rocks, providing a perfect backdrop for a memorable meal. The menu features a variety of Latin-inspired dishes, from Argentinean empanadas to Brazilian churrasco. With an emphasis on high-quality ingredients and innovative preparation, Mariposa delivers a dining experience that is both sophisticated and deeply satisfying.

These restaurant recommendations in Sedona, AZ, provide a glimpse into the town’s diverse culinary scene. Whether you’re in the mood for a quick bite, a scenic dining experience, or a cozy pizza night, Sedona has something to satisfy every palate.

Things to Do in Sedona, AZ

Sedona Activity Recommendations: Spirituality Meets Adventure

After indulging in the vibrant cannabis culture of Phoenix, it's time to immerse ourselves in the mystical landscapes of Sedona. We embarked on a journey of self-exploration, wandering through Sedona’s iconic vortex sites, where ancient energy converges with natural beauty.

Sedona is not only a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and spiritual seekers but also a vibrant cultural destination. In addition to its stunning natural landscapes and renowned vortex sites, Sedona offers a variety of activities that cater to diverse interests. One must-visit spot that perfectly blends art, culture, and shopping is the Tlaquepaque Arts and Shopping Village.

Tlaquepaque Arts and Shopping Village

Immerse yourself in the charm and creativity of Tlaquepaque Arts and Shopping Village, a unique destination that has been enchanting visitors for decades. Designed to reflect a traditional Mexican village, Tlaquepaque (pronounced T-la-keh-pah-keh) is a picturesque enclave located along the banks of Oak Creek. With its cobblestone walkways, vine-covered stucco walls, and serene courtyards, Tlaquepaque offers a delightful escape from the everyday hustle and bustle.

The village is home to over 50 specialty shops, galleries, and restaurants, making it a perfect spot to spend a leisurely afternoon. Art enthusiasts will find an array of galleries showcasing works from local and international artists, including paintings, sculptures, pottery, and jewelry. Each gallery offers a unique perspective, ensuring that art lovers of all tastes will find something to admire.

For those looking to indulge in some retail therapy, Tlaquepaque features a variety of boutiques offering everything from handcrafted gifts and home decor to fashionable clothing and accessories. The village’s shops are carefully curated to provide a distinctive shopping experience, with many items reflecting the artistic spirit and natural beauty of Sedona.

Foodies will also find plenty to enjoy at Tlaquepaque. The village boasts several renowned restaurants and cafes where you can savor a range of culinary delights. Whether you're in the mood for a gourmet meal at a fine dining restaurant or a casual snack at a charming cafe, Tlaquepaque has something to satisfy every palate. Be sure to check out the seasonal events and festivals that often take place in the village, adding an extra layer of excitement and community spirit to your visit.

Visiting Tlaquepaque Arts and Shopping Village is more than just a shopping trip; it's an experience that combines art, culture, and the scenic beauty of Sedona. Whether you're exploring the galleries, browsing the boutiques, or enjoying a meal in one of the village's inviting restaurants, Tlaquepaque offers a memorable and enriching outing for visitors of all ages.

With so many incredible things to do, Sedona promises a fulfilling and diverse experience for every traveler. From exploring the natural wonders and spiritual sites to indulging in the town's rich artistic and culinary offerings, your time in Sedona is sure to be unforgettable.


Pink Jeep Tours - Touch the Earth Votex Tour

For an adventure that combines thrilling exploration with the stunning natural beauty of Sedona, Pink Jeep Tours is a must-do. These iconic tours have been offering visitors an exhilarating way to experience the rugged landscapes of Sedona since 1960. The signature pink jeeps are a familiar sight, taking adventurers on off-road expeditions through some of the most picturesque and remote areas of the region.

Pink Jeep Tours offers a variety of excursions tailored to different interests and levels of adventure. We ended up taking the Touch the Earth tour because of course we had to experience the energy vortexes. The tour guides are knowledgeable and passionate about the area's geology, history, and ecology, making the journey both educational and thrilling. 

We couldn’t get over how kind and knowledgeable our guide was. There were three other women on our tour besides our group and we all bonded over our shared love of all things witchy. Our guide fit right into the feminine energy of the group and even encouraged us to touch trees together. It was magical!

Another favorite is the Scenic Rim Tour, which offers breathtaking vistas and a chance to explore the high desert landscape. For those interested in Sedona's mystical side, the Ancient Ruins Tour takes you to the Honanki Heritage Site, where you can see well-preserved cliff dwellings and rock art created by the Sinagua people over 700 years ago.

Each Pink Jeep Tour is designed to provide a safe yet exhilarating experience, with expert drivers ensuring you can focus on the awe-inspiring scenery and fascinating information. Whether you're an adrenaline junkie looking for an off-road adventure or a nature lover wanting to soak in the beauty of Sedona, Pink Jeep Tours offers an unforgettable way to see this stunning part of Arizona.

With so many incredible things to do, Sedona promises a fulfilling and diverse experience for every traveler. From exploring the natural wonders and spiritual sites to indulging in the town's rich artistic and culinary offerings, your time in Sedona is sure to be unforgettable.

Sedona’s Vortex Sites

Sedona is famous for its vortex sites, areas believed to contain high concentrations of spiritual energy. Visitors often seek out these sites for meditation, healing, and reflection. Popular vortex spots include Airport Mesa, Cathedral Rock, and Boynton Canyon.

Cathedral Rock

One of Sedona's most iconic landmarks, Cathedral Rock is a must-visit for hiking enthusiasts. The trail to Cathedral Rock is short but steep, rewarding hikers with breathtaking views of the surrounding red rock formations. The climb is challenging, but the vistas from the top make it worth the effort.

Bell Rock

Bell Rock is another popular hiking destination that offers trails suitable for various skill levels. The Bell Rock Pathway provides an easier hike with beautiful views, while the more adventurous can attempt to climb closer to the summit.

Devil’s Bridge

For a unique and thrilling experience, hike to Devil’s Bridge, the largest natural sandstone arch in the area. The trail offers stunning views, and the opportunity to walk across the arch provides a memorable photo opportunity.


Spiritual and Wellness Activities

Awaken your senses with a guided meditation amidst the towering red rocks, or embark on a soul-stirring hike along the scenic trails. For the adventurous spirit, embark on a hot air balloon ride at sunrise, offering a bird's eye view of Sedona's breathtaking vistas. Whether you seek spiritual enlightenment or adrenaline-fueled thrills, Sedona offers an array of activities to nourish your mind, body, and soul.


Aura Readings with Jamie At Center for The New Age

Discover the mystical side of Sedona with an aura reading from Jamie at the Center for the New Age. Located in the heart of Sedona, the Center for the New Age is a hub for spiritual exploration and healing. Jamie, a renowned intuitive healer and spiritual guide, offers deep insights into your energy field, helping you understand the colors and patterns that reveal your emotional, mental, and spiritual state. Through her compassionate and intuitive approach, Jamie provides personalized guidance and clarity, empowering you to align with your true self and navigate life's challenges with greater ease.

Whether you're seeking healing, insight, or personal growth, an aura reading with Jamie at the Center for the New Age is a transformative experience that connects you to the profound energy of Sedona.


As our Arizona Women x Weed Weekend came to a close, we reflected on the moments of connection, exploration, and empowerment that have defined our journey. From the bustling streets of Phoenix to the mystical vortexes of Sedona, cannabis has served as our guiding light, illuminating the path toward self-discovery and personal growth. As we bid farewell to Arizona, we carry with us the memories of this transformative experience, knowing that the spirit of cannabis will continue to inspire and uplift us on our journey through life.

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Herstory Jenny Joslin Herstory Jenny Joslin

Hilarious Weed Memes for Stoner Girls: Elevate Your Mood with These Funny Stoner Girl Memes

If you like weed and laughter you probably also know that memes are life and you deserve good things. So here are 35 weed memes tailored for stoner girls to make you smile. Which one is your favorite?

Are you someone who finds solace in the laughter induced by weed-infused memes? Have you ever found yourself in a state of elevated consciousness, scrolling through an array of internet humor, pondering if the memes themselves have the power to enhance your high? If so, you're in for a treat.

In this post, we delve into the world of weed memes, curated specifically for the discerning tastes of seasoned stoners. It's a journey where humor meets elevation, where shared experiences intertwine with the giggly haze of cannabis consumption.

So, roll up your favorite strain, ignite your sense of humor, and brace yourself for a journey through the depths of meme culture. Because in a world where challenges abound, where stress can weigh heavy, memes - and yes, weed too - offer a respite, a moment of levity amidst the chaos.


May We Present These Funny Weed Memes For Your Pleasure.

  1. Get in bitch, we’re getting high.

Weed Memes

2. When the clock strikes 4:20, or anytime, really.

Weed Memes

3. I’m best in show!

Weed Memes

4. That’s my BFF

Weed Memes
Introducing our all NEW GLOW series! Our best selling accessories with green borosilicate glass and glow-in-the-dark silicone!

5. Glad we had this motivational speech.

Weed Memes

6. Weed is like a butterfly!

Weed Memes

7. Don’t judge me.

Weed Memes

8. How would they know?

Weed Memes

9. Puff puff PASS

Weed Memes

10. Wakey Wakey, Eggs and Bakey

Weed Memes

11. Weed, Take the Wheel

Weed Memes

12. More Money, More Weed

Weed Memes

13. Getting off of work like…

Weed Memes

14. If you work in the weed industry, you know.

Weed Memes

15. THC to the rescue.

Weed Memes
Introducing our all NEW GLOW series! Our best selling accessories with green borosilicate glass and glow-in-the-dark silicone!

16. Who says you have to choose?

Weed Memes

17. When they have invented a better stress management tool than online shopping, please let me know.

Weed Memes

18. File this under: Weed Memes for Work

Weed Memes

19. Cheesy Puffs Down

Weed Memes

20. Canna-Nerds Know

Weed Memes

21. When you say you have plans…

Weed Memes

22. Don’t Even.

Weed Memes

23. I got you, baby.

Weed Memes

24. How’s Your Hangover?

Weed Memes

25. We’re happy together

Weed Memes

26. Weekend plans?

Weed Memes

27. Good Boi

Weed Memes
Introducing our all NEW GLOW series! Our best selling accessories with green borosilicate glass and glow-in-the-dark silicone!

28. Squad Goals

Weed Memes

29. Everytime…

Weed Memes

30. You Make Me Smile

Weed Memes

31. Big Hair, Don’t Care

Weed Memes

32. She has the right idea

Weed Memes

33. I Can’t Rise

Weed Memes

34. Weekend Mode Activated

Weed Memes

35. What dread?

Weed Memes

36. Weed helps. Period.

Weed Meme Zoe Kravitz Channing Tatum Period
award winning designer glassware by session goods

37. High-en-tine’s Day Goals


38. Giggling because I’m high…not because I like you.


39. When you and your bff can’t be basic for nobody.


40. High and holy weekends be like this:


41. Queen of Sadness when the dispensary doesn’t have my go-to


42. I can love me better with premium flower.

Weed Meme Miley Cyrus Weed Marijuana

43. The tea tastes better when you’re high

Weed Meme Marijuana

44. So grateful for my Endocannabinoid System

weed meme girl stoner

45. Laundry is better when you’re high

Weed Meme Girl Marijuana Stoner Girl Meme Weed Funny Lana Del Rey

Need cute weed supplies? Check out our curated list of the Best Weed Accessory Brands on Amazon.


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How to Roll a Joint (When You Can't Roll a Joint): Try This Easy Hack to Roll Perfect Joints Instantly

So many women I know make it look effortless to roll one up. Their fingers glide over the paper, twisting the green grounded nuggets into submission in a matter of seconds and tucking the paper so quickly it almost looks like magic before presenting a J so beautiful it shouldn’t even be smoked, just preserved in the World’s Most Picturesque Joint Museum. And when you smoke it? It burns evenly and survives many a pass; managing to retain its luster even to the last inhale.

How to Roll a Joint: Struggling? Try this easy hack…introducing the Chopstick Method

Ever wondered how to roll a joint as effortlessly as others seem to? You’ve probably seen people whose fingers glide over the paper, quickly transforming ground green nuggets into a perfectly rolled joint. It’s like magic—watching them twist and tuck the paper so smoothly that the end result looks like it belongs in the World’s Most Picturesque Joint Museum.

And when they smoke it? The joint burns evenly withstands multiple passes and remains intact until the very last puff.

But if you’re struggling to figure out how to roll a joint that looks and smokes as well as theirs, you’re not alone. Despite learning from the best—friends who’ve patiently taught me their rolling techniques and tips—my fingers often fumble during the tucking phase. The paper bends, the weed spills out, and I’m left with a loose joint that’s barely smokable.

Sound familiar? Don’t worry—if you’re having trouble learning how to roll a joint, the Chopstick Method might be the solution you need.

How to Roll a Joint: A Step-by-Step Guide To The Chopstick Method

Rolling a joint can be a fun and satisfying way to enjoy cannabis. It may seem intimidating at first, but with practice and the right tools, you'll be able to roll a perfect joint like a pro. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin, make sure you have the necessary supplies:

- Quality rolling papers

- Cannabis strain of your choice

- Cannabis grinder (optional)

- Joint tips, store-bought or homemade


2. Grind the Cannabis

If you're using a grinder, grind the cannabis until it's a consistent, fine texture. If you don't have a grinder, you can use your fingers or a spoon to break up the cannabis into smaller pieces.


3. Prepare the Rolling Paper

Hold the rolling paper between your thumb and index finger, and scoop some ground cannabis into it using a spoon or your fingers.


4. Shape the Joint

Press the paper into a crease that is slightly curved but not too tight. This will help ensure an even roll. If you're using a crutch (a wooden or plastic stick that helps you roll the joint evenly), insert it into the end of the rolling paper without the glue strip.


5. Roll the Joint

Roll the joint back and forth, tucking the paper into the cannabis as you go. Make sure not to overload the joint, as this can result in an uneven burn and weak flavor.


6. Seal the Joint

Once you've rolled the joint, moisten the glue on the rolling paper with your tongue and seal it by folding the sticky end tightly around the remainder of the joint.


Optional: Use a Filter Tip

If you're using a filter tip, fold it in half and insert it into the end of the rolling paper with the glue strip. Roll the filter tip downwards and press it down with your fingers to secure it in place.


7. Enjoy Your Joint

Once your joint is rolled and sealed, you can enjoy it with friends or on your own. Remember to always consume cannabis responsibly and be mindful of your surroundings.

If you're still struggling with rolling your own joints, there are tools available that can make the process easier, such as manual joint rollers or curved rolling papers. With practice and the right tools, you'll be able to roll a perfect joint like a pre-roll.


If you still can’t roll a joint or you just want to try an easier method, you need the chopstick method in your life.

You’ll need:

1 rolling paper (preferably natural papers)

1 round* chopstick

*very important that this chopstick not be a square!

buy CBD Hemp Flower

Here’s the method (and keep scrolling for a video of this tutorial in action).

1. Wrap your paper around the chopstick, glue-side facing up.

1. Wrap your paper around the chopstick, glue-side facing up.

2. Lick the glue, keeping the paper stabilized.

2. Lick the glue, keeping the paper stabilized.

3. Roll the chopstick away from you, wrapping the paper around it.

3. Roll the chopstick away from you, wrapping the paper around it.

4. When it’s all the way around (but not too tight) lick the edge and press your hand around the chopstick, wiggle the rolled paper out of the chopstick

4. When it’s all the way around (but not too tight) lick the edge and press your hand around the chopstick, wiggle the rolled paper out of the chopstick

5. Stick a filter in the larger end and use the chopstick to press it in

5. Stick a filter in the larger end and use the chopstick to press it in

6. Fill the joint with weed, again using the chopstick and roll the ends and voila! You have yourself a chopstick-joint.

6. Fill the joint with weed, again using the chopstick and roll the ends and voila! You have yourself a chopstick-joint.

Video Tutorial

You can watch the full video below!


Still Having Trouble Rolling a Joint?

You might want to try this grinder + cone filler. This two-in-one tool features a grinder with a magnetically sealed lid and sharp teeth for an effortless grinding action. The grinder is triple polished and scratch resistant. It's also transparent, so you can see the process as it happens. 

The grinder has built-in storage with an air-tight seal to trap odors and keep your herbs fresh.

But the best part? The CONE FILLER. That’s right, instead of having to roll your own, you can fill up beautifully pre-rolled cones with your green. The included cone filler and packer allow you to quickly and neatly load your cones.

Available in multiple colors, this set is a perfect pick for every dry herb enthusiast. 


Now that you know how to roll a joint, what are you going to smoke?

Try this Low-THC, High CBD weed that you can have delivered to your door and read more about how to have a perfect first time experience with cannabis.

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Stoner Gifts on Amazon: Epic 420 Gifts for Weed Lovers You Can Buy on Amazon

When it comes to elevating your cannabis experience, having the right accessories can make all the difference. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or just starting to explore the world of cannabis, these chic and stylish accessories from Amazon are sure to enhance your journey. From sleek storage solutions to elegant smoking devices, we've curated a list of 18 must-have items that combine functionality with flair. Get ready to take your cannabis game to the next level!


When it comes to elevating your cannabis experience, having the right accessories can make all the difference. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or just starting to explore the world of cannabis, these chic and stylish accessories from Amazon are sure to enhance your journey. From sleek storage solutions to elegant smoking devices, we've curated a list of 18 must-have items that combine functionality with flair. Get ready to take your cannabis game to the next level!

Please note that some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. This means that, at no additional cost to you, we may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Your support through these links helps us continue to provide informative and valuable content to our readers.


1. This Best Bud Keychain is so cute!


2. Nugbuddy Airtight Storage Container: Keep your stash discreet and fresh with a sleek smell-proof storage case in this mint green shade.


This container is designed to maintain the freshness and potency of your beloved herbs. Its airtight seal ensures that odors are locked in, making it ideal for discreet storage. The container also boasts a built-in hygrometer, allowing you to monitor humidity levels and ensure your herb is stored at the perfect moisture content. With a sleek and compact design, the Nugbuddy Airtight Storage Container is not only functional but also visually appealing, making it an essential addition to your collection of cannabis accessories.


3. This DIME BAGS Padded Pouch in Pink: for on the go smoke seshes.


This case is thoughtfully designed to keep your cherished cannabis items secure and protected. With its removable and adjustable dividers, you can customize the pouch to accommodate a variety of accessories such as pipes, grinders, lighters, and more. The pouch's compact and discreet design makes it an ideal choice for on-the-go enthusiasts, and its high-quality materials exude both resilience and style. Elevate your smoking experience with the DIME BAGS Padded Pouch.


4. TEESX Rolling Slow Burning Papers: Unleash your personality at the sesh with artistic rolling papers that showcase intricate designs, turning your joints into works of art.


These rolling papers elevate your smoking ritual with their exquisite butterfly design that adds a touch of elegance to each joint. Crafted with a focus on both aesthetics and function, these papers provide a smooth burn. The attention to detail is evident in every cone. TEESX Rolling Papers are a fantastic addition to your collection of marijuana accessories. Elevate your moments with these stylish papers that seamlessly merge artistry and enjoyment.


5. BOYISTARG Portable Smell Proof Storage Case in Pink: Upgrade your stash bag with this stylish statement piece.


This compact storage box is ingeniously designed to accommodate a combination of items, from lighters and rolling papers to herbs and other accessories. Its modular compartments and adjustable dividers provide flexibility to create a setup tailored to your needs. Crafted for portability, the box features a secure lock mechanism that ensures your items remain safe during travel. Whether you're an on-the-go enthusiast or simply value an organized smoking routine, the BOYISTARG Portable Storage Box is a must-have accessory.


6. Organic Hemp WickCoated with Beeswax: Say hello to healthier combustion.


Crafted from organic hemp and beeswax, this hemp wick provides a clean and slow burn, ensuring a pure flame that enhances your smoking experience. The wick is designed to minimize the impact of butane on your herb, allowing you to fully enjoy the flavors and aromas of your chosen strain. Whether you're a conscious consumer seeking a healthier ignition method or simply appreciate the sustainable qualities of hemp, this hemp wick is an excellent addition to your collection of weed accessories. Elevate your smoking routine with a touch of nature's goodness and the EricX Light Organic Hemp Wick.


7. Joint Case Portable Cigarette Holder: Transform your lighter into a chic accessory with a rose gold cover that's both fashionable and functional.


This case provides a secure and discreet solution for carrying joints or pre-rolls. Its durable construction protects your contents from being crushed or damaged, making it an essential companion for those who enjoy smoking outdoors. Whether you're exploring the city or enjoying nature's beauty, this portable cigarette holder adds convenience and style to your smoking routine. Heighten your experience with the Joint Case Portable Cigarette Holder.


8. MUXIANG Ceramic Pipe with Acrylic Mouthpiece: A Chic & Timeless Piece.


This eye-catching pipe features a ceramic bowl adorned with intricate patterns, adding an element of elegance to your smoking ritual. The acrylic mouthpiece ensures a comfortable and smooth draw, enhancing your overall experience. Whether you're a collector of cute pipes or simply seeking a distinctive piece that stands out, the MUXIANG Ceramic Tobacco Pipe with Acrylic Mouthpiece is a must-have addition to your smoking repertoire.


9. HASHSTASH Pink Rolling Tray with Built-in Stash Box: A scent proof and safe way to store to your stash.


This rolling tray boasts a built-in stash compartment, making it an ideal solution for keeping all your smoking essentials in one convenient place. The chic pink design adds a touch of personality and flair to your smoking setup, while the spacious surface provides ample room for rolling, grinding, and assembling your favorite herbs. Whether you're a dedicated smoker or simply value a well-organized smoking space, the HASHSTASH Pink Rolling Tray with Built-in Stash Box is a fantastic addition to your collection of smoking accessories. Elevate your sessions with this multifunctional tray that seamlessly combines aesthetics and functionality.


10. W'cked Glass Tip Joint Holder: Elevate your joint game with a joint holder that brings a touch of sophistication.


The ergonomic design ensures a secure grip while preventing the transfer of heat from the burning herbs.Whether you're seeking a classier way to savor your herbs or simply want to enhance your smoking ritual, the Glass Tip for Pre-Rolls and Joints is an accessory that seamlessly combines style and functionality. Elevate your experience with this thoughtfully designed glass tip that promises a smoother and more enjoyable smoking session.


11. Kawaii Hello Kitty Anime Lighter: light up J’s and the room with your personality.


Featuring a delightful cartoon design, this lighter not only serves its practical purpose but also doubles as a stylish keychain. The kawaii aesthetics make it a standout accessory, perfect for enthusiasts who appreciate both function and flair. Its compact size ensures easy portability, allowing you to keep it handy for your smoking needs wherever you go. Whether you're a collector of cute lighters or simply want to inject a dose of charm into your everyday life, this Sanrio Kawaii Lighter is an essential addition to your collection.


12. Cubbi Airtight Box with Tray: Say goodbye to clutter with a rolling tray that combines aesthetics and functionality.


This airtight box features precision-engineered silicone seals that ensure your contents are kept free from moisture and air, preserving their potency. The included tray adds a layer of convenience, allowing you to neatly organize your accessories, herbs, and other essentials. This storage box is both compact and durable and maintains the quality of your herbs or can be a comprehensive storage solution for your smoking accessories. The Cubbi Airtight Box with Tray would look so cute on your desk and keep things organized for your mid day smoke break.


13. "The Food Has Weed in It" Green Oven Mitt: Cause we all love the chef who loves cooking with cannabis.


This novelty oven mitt features a humorous design that brings a touch of cannabis-themed fun to your cooking routine. The vibrant green color and eye-catching print make it a fantastic conversation starter and a unique gift for fellow cannabis enthusiasts. Whether you're looking to add a touch of humor to your cooking or searching for a fun and practical gift, "The Food Has Weed in It" Funny Marijuana 420 Novelty Oven Mitt is a must-have accessory that brings a smile to you or a friend or partner’s kitchen adventures.


14. Artisan Owl Prescription Ashtray: A Tongue in Cheek Ashtray that reminds us that Cannabis is Medicine.


A whimsical accessory that brings a playful twist to a traditional smoking essential. The compact size is perfect for tabletop use, and the durable material ensures long-lasting enjoyment. Whether you're seeking a conversation starter or a fun and functional addition to your smoking setup, this RX Bottle Ashtray is a must-have accessory for cannabis enthusiasts and those who use the plant as medicine. This distinctive ashtray that combines humor with practicality, offering a truly unique way to dispose of ashes and butts.


15. Dr. Watson Pre-Roll Holder: A handcrafted accessory that adds a touch of elegance to your smoking experience.


Dr. Watson Pre-Roll Holder

The smooth glass construction exudes a timeless charm, and the elongated design helps keep smoke away from your hands and clothing while enjoying your joint. Whether you're seeking to add a touch of class to your cannabis cigarette or looking for a unique gift for a fellow smoker, the Dr. Watson Cigarette Holder is a must-have accessory that elevates the aesthetics and comfort of your smoking sessions.


16. Cannabolish Odor Removing Spray and Candle will help remove smells!


17. Blazy Susan Vegan Pink Cones: for cannabis enthusiasts who value both quality and eco-consciousness.


These vegan and slow-burning cones are crafted with precision, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience. The slow burn allows you to savor the flavors of your herbs. Whether you're seeking an elevated smoking experience or looking to make a positive impact on the planet, Blazy Susan Pink Cones are a must-have addition to your collection of smoking accessories.


20. Cannabis Waffle Maker? Yes, please!


21. This Bag Truly Gets Me.


22. This Book Butter Be Good (We have it, and it is).


From artistic rolling papers to crystal-infused accessories, these fun weed gifts from Amazon are designed to enhance your cannabis experience in every way.

Please note that some of the links in this article may be affiliate links. This means that, at no additional cost to you, we may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. We only recommend products and brands that we trust and believe in. Your support through these links helps us continue to provide informative and valuable content to our readers. Thank you for your support!

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Edibles Review: KANHA Gummies ‘Energy’, ‘Love’ and ‘Sleep’ Tailor Your Elevation Experience 🌱

In the world of cannabis edibles, the quest for the perfect gummy is akin to finding the holy grail. Enter KANHA gummies, and their latest tantalizing trio of delights. Crafted with precision and infused with intention, these gummies elevate your experience to new heights, whether you're seeking energy, love, or a peaceful night's sleep. We have been fans of KANHA for a few years now.


In the world of cannabis edibles, the quest for the perfect gummy is akin to finding the holy grail. Enter KANHA gummies, and their latest tantalizing trio of delights. Crafted with precision and infused with intention, these gummies elevate your experience to new heights, whether you're seeking energy, love, or a peaceful night's sleep. We have been fans of KANHA for a few years now. We partnered with them when we created our Cannabis Tourism Guide to Boston, MA where we took them on an elevated picnic during the idyllic spring. And now, we are thrilled to review their latest line of gummies and let you know our thoughts about their thoughtfully crafted edibles!


Energy Gummies:

Need a boost to kickstart your day or power through that mid-afternoon slump? Look no further than KANHA's Energy Gummies. Infused with a blend of uplifting cannabinoids and energizing terpenes, these gummies provide a burst of vitality that's as invigorating as a brisk morning breeze. This electrifying splash of zesty citrus and ripe berries is enhanced with Green Tea Extract. With each bite, you'll feel your senses awaken, ready to seize the day with renewed vigor. Whether you're tackling a mountain of work or hitting the trails for a rejuvenating hike, these gummies are quickly becoming our go-to companion for sustained energy and focus. These babiesand these gave us a sustained high and did not take forever to kick in like some edibles do, the flavor is also a 10/10.


Love Gummies:

Love is the universal language that binds us all, and KANHA's Love Gummies capture its essence in every chewy bite. Infused with THC, THCV and CBG, these gummies ignite passion and deepen connection, whether you're with a partner or flying solo. As you savor the sweet, berry-flavored goodness, you'll feel a warm wave of affection wash over you, opening your heart to love in all its forms. Perfect for a romantic evening in or a sensual solo adventure, these gummies are a must-have for anyone seeking to amplify the love in their life. We particularly LOVE the flavor combination of raspberry and rose! Take these with a lover and see who feels the feels first. ❤️


Sleep Gummies:

Some day's a restful night's sleep can feel like a distant dream. Thankfully, KANHA's Sleep Gummies offer a tranquil oasis in the midst of chaos. Infused with a soothing blend of cannabinoids and calming terpenes, these gummies lullled us into a state of blissful relaxation. The combined powers of CBN, CBD and THC mean that with each delicious bite, tension melts away, and a sense of peace descends like a gentle evening breeze. Say goodbye to tossing and turning and hello to sweet dreams with KANHA's Sleep Gummies by your side. We took these at a sleepover and one of our friends fell asleep within 30 mins! Sweet dreams, Angels.


KANHA gummies are a true testament to the artistry and innovation of cannabis edibles, if you want to see where you can get them near you, check out where you can find them here. From their tantalizing flavors to their powerful effects, each gummy offers a unique journey for the mind, body, and soul. Whether you're seeking energy, love, or sleep, KANHA has you covered with their expertly crafted creations. So why settle for ordinary when you can elevate your experience with KANHA gummies?

Trust us, your taste buds—and your well-being—will thank you.


At High Herstory, we love to review products we love but we are not doctors by any stretch of the imagination! This website is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services.

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Guides, Style Guides, Style

The Ultimate Guide to Hosting a Cannabis-Friendly Wedding: A Collaboration with Bridal Musings 💍🍃

Cannabis consumers know weed’s power to amplify an atmosphere of love and union. Weddings are a great place to highlight the beauty and diversity of cannabis products - let us know you the most elegant way to serve weed at your wedding!


Wedding ideas for those who are interested in having a glamorous, cannabis-friendly wedding.

The stigma of consuming cannabis is changing, and so is the consumer. Weddings are a great place to highlight the beauty and diversity of cannabis products and luxury ancillary products. Cannabis consumers know it’s power to amplify an atmosphere of love and union.

To get the inspiration flowing, we collaborated with editor, Claire Eliza, of iconic wedding publication, Bridal Musings to produce a dreamy cannabis wedding shoot featuring an array of dope products! We decided to choose 1906 chocolates, Love + Destroy pipes, My Bud Vase bongs, accessories by Alyson Nicole, and gorgeous Sarah Seven wedding dresses as well as an amazing spliff bar by Barbari Shop for our dream weed wedding.

Check out the photos below to get some ideas for your own wedding and keep scrolling for more tips!

This post includes affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you buy the products or that we may have been gifted some of the items mentioned in this post.


Cannabis weddings are on the rise

Cannabis weddings are a major trend right now. There are so many benefits of pairing weed with weddings. Despite what non-cannabis users might think, having weed at your wedding doesn't mean you aren't keeping things classy - in fact, people can act a lot more civilized if they aren't pumped with booze. However, you can still incorporate bottles of champagne and alcohol (if you choose!). Basically the rule when it comes to planning your wedding is...you can do whatever you want. Don't be influenced by any potential shade from "helpful" relatives or feel like you have to make choices to please other people. This is your day!

Photography: Claire Eliza

Photography: Claire Eliza


A weed wedding checklist

When planning a weed wedding there are a few practical things consider:

1) Make sure to check with your local authorities about whether or not marijuana is legal where you plan on tying the knot. Local laws may even need to be adjusted if a state passes a new recreational law. Even if you're in Washington State where it's legal to grow your own weed, you'll need a permit to have a cannabis wedding. Obviously, we wish we lived in a world where cannabis was legal everything but until then, it's always better to be safe if you aren't sure.

2) Check with your local cannabis retailer (you might have to jump through hoops to make this happen, but it's worth it in the end) for the cannabis vendors who are licensed to provide services at your wedding.

3) Find a marijuana-friendly catering company for all your ganja-inclusive festivities. Look for a restaurant or caterer with a clean food handling certification.

5) Prepare a cannabis wedding registry (we have some ideas below).

6) If you don't want to have a huge wedding, why not host a small group of your closest friends and plan a private pot-friendly party.


Designing your cannabis wedding

This one is pretty obvious, but we really love using weed leaves and hemp flower during the ceremony as well as the reception. Here are some ideas to use cannabis as a decorative element:

We created these bouquets from a local farm and beautiful wild flowers for an organic, natural feel.

We created these bouquets from a local farm and beautiful wild flowers for an organic, natural feel.

Photography: Claire Eliza

Photography: Claire Eliza

  1. You can go the crafty route and ask your local hemp farm if you can buy any extra flower they may not need to make your own flower arrangements. We paired store bought flowers with wild flowers and hemp to create an organic bouquet

  2. Hire a florist who is cannabis friendly and ask them to weave in cannabis in their design along with your favorite flowers.

  3. If you’re in Los Angeles or Las Vegas, you can buy your flowers from Shop Love Pot, a florist who specializes in stunning cannabis floral designs which include smokable CBD hemp—the kind helps you relax, but doesn't get you high— can be dried to enjoy later as a tea, herbal smoke blend, or for an aromatherapy herbal bath.

Shop Love Pot designer's choice - A beautiful array of seasonal flowers and hemp flower.

Shop Love Pot designer's choice - A beautiful array of seasonal flowers and hemp flower.


Cannabis wedding etiquette

Even though legalization is pretty much mainstream and any type of cannabis use is socially acceptable, you still need to keep these basic rules in mind at your cannabis wedding.

  1. Let everyone attending your cannabis wedding know the dosage you are providing if you plan to serve pot-infused cocktails and appetizers. You want to make sure everyone, however well-versed they may be in weed, have all the information so they can make the best decisions for their selves and their bodies.

  2. In case you are worried about anti-cannabis guests causing a stir, just create a private cannabis area - not to protect those we can't handle it, but to make it more fun (and secretive) for those who do #coolkidsclub

  3. Be considerate with your smoke! Not everyone is tolerant of smoke or may have a condition like CHS that can make second hand cannabis smoke dangerous for them.

  4. Ask your guests to be conscious of their use of fire, whether that be matches, lighters or dropping joints on the ground, if you are in nature. It’s forest fire season and you don’t want your special day to go up in smoke by destroying the environment.


Wedding Spliff Bar

The Barbari Spliff Bar is such a unique addition to the modern cannabis wedding! If your guests have the know-how or curiosity you can make it fully self-serve, otherwise hire a cannabis connoisseur behind the bar to answer questions, break down terminology, and create custom strain pairings with your choice of herbal blend. Terpines don’t sound so scary when you know they are essential oils also found in citrus, cinnamon, and even roses!

Made of different natural herbs, Barbari Blends have very pleasant floral scents, help cut down on cannabis costs, and keep everyone going for longer. No matter what your guests comfort level is with cannabis, they can customize their experience hand rolled just for them.


What To Wear

From small batch, sustainable brand Paneros, this white beaded slip dress is mini-length and is fully hand-beaded by women artisans in Bali. Perfect for a pre-wedding night out with your girls or the special occasion of getting wed, you'll be sure to dance 'til dawn in this dress. Features adjustable back crisscross straps and an invisible back zipper. Reviewers say the glass beads have the perfect amount of glitz without being overwhelming and that you can adjust the straps.

The Sue Wong Embellished White Lace Cap Sleeve Gown is a stunning choice for a wedding.

It's hard not to hear wedding bells when you look at this gorgeous Sue Wong dress! This lovely lace dress is adorned with delicate ribbon, sequins and beaded embellishments that make this the perfect dress for your wedding! All you need is a veil and you are ready for the big day!

This classic cami dress makes for a stunning statement dress. It would look great as an after party look or for a bride who is on a budget. We love the romantic look and how the chemise can create a rocker or classic vibe depending on what accessories it is paired with. Perfect for a rebellious bridal look.

This White Eyelet Lace Sleeveless Dress is a captivating blend of sweet and sexy, perfect for any bridal event. 

Look picture-perfect in this white eyelet lace dress from Self-Portrait. Perfect for any bridal bliss event, this dress is a mixture of sweet and sexy, it also has pockets! Style with pearl earrings and strappy heels for a chic look.

Perhaps you have seen Edie Parker’s latest campaigns featuring Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meister) and collaborations with St. John. The height of sophistication Edie Parker is known for their gorgeous customizable handbags that will make your special day truly unique. We love their vintage inspired Slim Jean evening bags with removable cross body chains. This makes for a lovely keepsake of your wedding day, brides can even get their new last name or nickname from their new spouse emblazoned on the side.


For Your Wedding Registry

Grow, harvest, and smoke what you want inside of your own home for a fraction of dispensary prices.  It has never been easier to build your own organic and robust home grow. They also have a team of grow-at-home experts that have designed and tested the perfect indoor system for experienced and aspiring growers alike.

One of the most sophisticated decarboxylators on the market, the Ardent FX provides the ability to make your own tinctures, lotions, and even edibles all from the comfort of your home.


Cannabis Gifts For Brides, Grooms & Bridal Parties


My Bud Vase makes signature one-of-a-kind artisan pieces – perfect for the bride and groom who love to be discrete about their cannabis consumption. Vintage designer bongs are crafted by artist Doreen Sullivan, who originally created these beautiful pieces to avoid good ol’ fashioned “mom-shaming” as they look more like artwork than a smoking device. Your bride will definitely thank you later for a piece she doesn’t have to hide when her mother-in-law drops in for a visit.


Ideas to spice up with honeymoon night

Elevate your intimate experiences with Mello CBD suppositories. Discover how they may heighten arousal, reduce discomfort, and enhance relaxation. CBD's natural properties may promote better blood flow, potentially making sensations more intense. Bid farewell to anxiety and discomfort, while potentially ensuring natural lubrication for ultimate pleasure. A wedding night must have.

Get ready to spice the wedding night up with this White Eyelash Lace Garter Teddy Bodysuit Thong 2 piece Lingerie Set. Made with delicate eyelash lace, this set is both sexy and comfortable. Perfect for a romantic night in (wink wink) or as a surprise for that special someone. Dare to be bold with this stunning lingerie set. Only for the confident and fearless.

Lounge in the bridal suite and on the honeymoon in style in the Forever Yours Robe in White.

This effortlessly sexy robe with kimono sleeves would make an ideal cover up on the day of the wedding and on your honeymoon. Lace heart embroidery & charmeuse satin make for a gorgeous robe to wear on your special day and beyond.

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Elevate Your "I Do's": Tips and Ideas for Infusing Your Wedding with Cannabis 💍🌿

into their big day is a must. If you're a cannabis enthusiast, why not bring a touch of green magic to your wedding? Infusing your nuptials with cannabis can create an unforgettable experience for you and your guests. From bud bouquets to infused bites, here are some high-class tips to elevate your wedding with cannabis.

Weddings are a celebration of love, and for many modern couples, incorporating personal passions into their big day is a must. If you're a cannabis enthusiast, why not bring a touch of green magic to your wedding? Infusing your nuptials with cannabis can create an unforgettable experience for you and your guests. From bud bouquets to infused bites, here are some high-class tips to elevate your wedding with cannabis.

This post includes affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you buy the products or that we may have been gifted some of the items mentioned in this post.


The Perfect Venue: A Cannabis-Friendly Space

The first step to a cannabis-infused wedding is finding a venue that allows cannabis consumption. Look for outdoor locations, private estates, or cannabis-friendly venues that can accommodate your vision. Ensure that the venue's policies align with local laws and regulations to keep everything above board. And if you are having trouble finding a good spot, always remember there are many ways to consume! Vapes, edibles, tinctures and topicals are a great way to also enjoy your favorite cannabis plant on your special day.

Elevated Invitations: Setting the Tone

Your invitations are the first hint of the theme. Consider elegant, cannabis-themed stationery to set the tone. Think watercolor cannabis leaves, subtle green accents, or playful puns. This will let your guests know what to expect and get them excited for a unique celebration. You can also add any important information about consumption protacals and if you will be serving an infused meal, this would be a great time to disclose information about dosing and what non-THC options will be available for those who choose not to partake.


Elevated Favors: Take Home the Experience

Send your guests home with cannabis-themed wedding favors. Consider mini jars of cannabis-infused honey, CBD bath bombs, or pre-rolled joints in personalized packaging. These thoughtful gifts will remind your guests of your special day long after the celebrations are over. For my wedding, I used pre-rolls from one of my favorite cannabis brands Flores Smokes Co. as one of my gifts to guests. Flores Smokes is a Latina female-owned brand and they have some of the best flower I have ever tried!

I was blown away that the owner, Janinah Juliet, took the time to make my special day pre-roll joint favors gorgeous by hand gluing gorgeous jewels on individual glass holders and delivering them to in all in time for my big day! I could cry just thinking about it, but they are truly a cannabis brand that will go above and beyond for their consumers. Learn more about Flores Smoking Company here.


Cannabis Bar: A High-Class Highlight

A cannabis bar can be the centerpiece of your reception. Hire a professional budtender to curate a selection of strains and educate guests on their effects. Offer a variety of consumption methods, including pre-rolled joints, vaporizers, and even infused edibles. Remember to provide plenty of non-infused options and keep everything clearly labeled.

Bud Bouquets and Greenery Galore

Incorporate cannabis into your floral arrangements for a lush, verdant vibe. Mix cannabis leaves and buds with traditional flowers for bouquets, boutonnieres, and centerpieces. This botanical blend can add an earthy elegance and serve as a great conversation starter. There are plenty of ways to use cannabis leaves for decor in your bouquet. You can check out our cannabis wedding inspiration on our Pinterest. We love saving cute ideas for wedding favors that incorporate cannabis.


1906 Boost Pills will keep the bride cool as a cucumber without the smell of cannabis.


Infused Cuisine: A Gourmet Experience

Elevate your wedding menu with cannabis-infused dishes. Work with a chef experienced in cannabis cuisine to create a menu that includes both infused and non-infused options. Consider offering appetizers, main courses, and desserts with varying levels of THC to cater to all guests' preferences and tolerances.

Signature Cocktails: Sip and Savor

Craft cannabis-infused cocktails to complement your menu. Infuse your favorite spirits with cannabis or use THC and CBD tinctures to create custom drinks. Provide a mixologist to whip up these special concoctions and ensure that guests are aware of the potency. Another route would be to include canned cannabis infused drinks. We had many options available for our friends who would rather drink their THC than smoke it and who do not drink. It is a very thoughtful way to make sure everyone has a great time. Pro-tip: Get drinks with micro-doses of THC so that your wedding guests can indulge a few without going overboard.

Educate and Inform: Keeping Guests Informed

Not all your guests may be familiar with cannabis, so provide information on safe consumption. Include educational pamphlets in your welcome bags, and ensure that your budtender or staff are available to answer any questions. Emphasize responsible consumption and provide transportation options for those who may overindulge. I also made sure to keep labels on all edibles and drinks and take home joints so people know exactly what kind of cannabis experience to expect.


Love Oui’d Gummies are Highly Recommended to share on your wedding night.


Make Sure You Pace Yourself: A Night To Remember

As the bride or groom, make sure to be super aware of your consumption habits and limits. I recommend a micro-dose of Boost from 1906 which has a low THC content and also contains a bit of caffeine. These little pills also don’t smell so it makes your cannabis consumption discreet and unoffensive to guests who might not want to partake. I saved the smoking for the end of the night with a few close friends and it made it all the more special. I did not want red eyes in my pictures so I was happy to have these 1906 pills on hand to stop any wedding day jitters in their tracks.

I saved some Love Ouid Gummies to share with my hubby on the wedding night, which was a lovely way to share a special moment and secret with my new husband. We had the lychee flavored gummies that are also an energy boost. They made us feel energized for dancing and also connected us intimately. A must have edible to share with your loved one and other who also want to have the good vibes during the dancing portion of the evening.


Have a Cannabis Friendly Photographer Capture the Moments

Whether it's a candid shot of guests enjoying the cannabis bar or a romantic moment in a cloud of smoke, these photos will be unique keepsakes of your cannabis-infused love story. Most wedding photographers will do whatever you want for your special day, but be sure to communicate with them that there will be cannabis present at the wedding. Communication is key to making any cannabis infused wedding a success.



Infusing your wedding with cannabis can make for a memorable and magical celebration. By planning thoughtfully and prioritizing the comfort and safety of your guests, you can create an elevated experience that reflects your love and passion for cannabis. Cheers to a high-spirited happily ever after! We hope you enjoy planning your elevated celebration!

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Elegant Amazon Wedding Decor: Must-Have DIY Items for Your Big Day 💍

Ladies and gentlefolk, gather 'round as we weave a tale of enchantment, elegance, and e-commerce excellence. Picture this: a celestial wedding where every detail sings with the harmony of history and modernity, and where convenience meets bridal bliss. Welcome to a guide, rich in detail and dripping with divine inspiration, on how to transform your wedding decor with the treasures of Amazon. We’ve rounded up some of our favorite and elegant Amazon DIY wedding items that will make your special day as beautiful as you are.

Ladies and gentlefolk, gather 'round as we weave a tale of enchantment, elegance, and e-commerce excellence. Picture this: a celestial wedding where every detail sings with the harmony of history and modernity, and where convenience meets bridal bliss. Welcome to a guide, rich in detail and dripping with divine inspiration, on how to transform your wedding decor with the treasures of Amazon. We’ve rounded up some of our favorite and elegant Amazon DIY wedding items that will make your special day as beautiful as you are.

This post includes affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you buy the products. Don’t worry, we only post products we genuinely recommend and this comes at no additional cost to you.

Entrance Elegance: Setting the Scene

Infuse timeless elegance into your wedding decor with these Vintage Green Mini Vases from Amazon.

Each vase, with its delicate, classic design and vibrant green hue, evokes the charm of bygone eras. Perfect for adorning your reception tables or accentuating the beauty of your floral arrangements. The vases versatile size and vintage appeal make them an ideal choice for adding a unique, personalized touch to your wedding, ensuring every guest feels the enchantment of your carefully curated celebration.


Create a breathtaking focal point for your wedding ceremony with this Wedding Arch & Flowers Kit.

This comprehensive pack includes two stunning hanging flower arrangements and two elegant chiffon drapes. The flowers, featuring lifelike roses and lush greenery, offer the timeless beauty of fresh blooms without the worry of wilting. Chiffon drapes add a touch of ethereal grace, cascading gracefully to enhance the overall ambiance. This versatile kit allows you to effortlessly achieve a cohesive, enchanting decor theme.


Elevate your wedding decor with these Wedding Centerpieces for Tables.

This set includes two striking metal flower stands. Ideal for holding lush bouquets, cascading greenery, or even minimalist arrangements, these gold stands are a chic addition to any wedding theme. Durable and stylish, they can also be repurposed as plant stands or home decor pieces, serving as a beautiful reminder of your special day.


Tablescapes of Triumph: Feast for the Eyes


Elevate your wedding decor with this 10 set of Mixed Gold Candle Holders.

These exquisitely crafted candle holders, featuring a sleek metallic finish, bring a contemporary yet timeless charm to any setting. Ideal for a variety of wedding themes, from modern chic to rustic elegance. Scatter them across your reception tables or use them as part of your centerpiece ensemble to add a touch of refined sophistication. Durable and versatile, these bohemian chic candle holders not only enhance the visual appeal of your decor but also provide a lasting keepsake of your special day, perfect for repurposing in your home after the celebration.


Add dimension to your wedding reception with these enchanting Table Runners in Sage Green.

This table runner adds a touch of ethereal elegance to any table setting. Its delicate, gauzy texture drapes beautifully, creating a sheer and romantic centerpiece that enhances your floral arrangements and table decor. The soft sage green hue complements a variety of color schemes, infusing your event with a natural, earthy charm.


Kabloom PRIME OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Wedding Collection 100 Assorted Roses

This exquisite collection features 100 farm-fresh, long-stem roses, delivered straight from the farm to your doorstep with overnight shipping. Perfect for bouquets, centerpieces, and decorative arrangements. With their lush, full blooms, these roses add a touch of natural beauty and sophistication to any wedding setting.


Enchanting Ambiance: Light and Luster

Illuminate your wedding with the enchanting glow of LED Curtain Lights

These stunning curtain lights feature 306 bright LEDs that cascade creating a mesmerizing waterfall effect. Perfect for adding a magical ambiance to your ceremony, reception, or photo booth backdrop, these lights can transform any space into a fairy-tale setting. Lights add a touch of sparkling elegance to your special day, ensuring an unforgettable atmosphere for you and your guests.


Create a warm and inviting atmosphere at your wedding with these Flickering Flameless Tea Lights Candles

These elegant, battery-operated LED votive candles mimic the soft, flickering glow of real candles without the worry of open flames. With over 200 hours of battery life, they provide a long-lasting and safe alternative, perfect for illuminating your table centerpieces and adding a romantic touch to your decor. .


Whimsical Wonders: Personal Touches


Elevate your wedding ensemble with the Dexmay Patent Leather Envelope Clutch Purse

This patent leather ivory clutch is the epitome of elegance and style, perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to your special day. It boasts a sleek, glossy finish that catches the light beautifully. The envelope design provides ample space for your essentials while maintaining a slim and chic profile. Whether you carry it as a clutch or use the detachable chain strap for a hands-free option, this evening bag effortlessly complements any bridal or guest attire.


Add a touch of opulence to your wedding attire with the Women Pearl Clutch Bag Noble Crystal Beaded Evening Bag

This exquisite clutch is adorned with delicate pearls and shimmering crystals. The intricate beading design adds a luxurious flair, making it the perfect complement to your bridal ensemble or evening gown. The clutch comes with a pearl chain, offering the versatility of a handheld bag or a stylish shoulder option.


Complete your bridal look with the regal Royal Princess Wedding Tiara

This stunning headpiece is adorned with freshwater pearls and sparkling zircon crystals, creating an elegant and luxurious accessory fit for a princess. The intricate design and high-quality materials ensure that this tiara adds a touch of timeless elegance to your wedding day ensemble.


As you embark on your journey to DIY wedding perfection and may your day be as resplendent as the decor that adorns it. Here's to a wedding steeped in the allure of history and the convenience of modernity.

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Best Weed Accessory Brands on Amazon: Elevate Your High with the Cutest Grinders, Trays and 420 Accessories for a Next-Level Smoking Experience

To truly get the most out of your smoking experience, you need the right accessories. For us, personally, we also need those accessories to be aesthetically pleasing and functional. From grinders and rolling trays to vaporizers and bongs, there are countless products on the market that can enhance your smoking sessions. In this article, we'll take a look at the best weed accessories that every cannabis enthusiast who cares about aesthetics should have.

Smoking weed is a popular pastime for many people, whether it's for medicinal or recreational purposes. But to truly get the most out of your smoking experience, you need the right accessories. For us, personally, we also need those accessories to be aesthetically pleasing and functional. From grinders and rolling trays to vaporizers and bongs, there are countless products on the market that can enhance your smoking sessions. In this article, we'll take a look at the best weed accessories that every cannabis enthusiast who cares about cute aesthetics should have.

We may earn commissions from products or services recommended on this website. These recommendations are made based on our own experiences and research, and we only promote products or services that we truly believe will be valuable to our readers.



A good grinder is an essential tool for any smoker. Grinders help break down your weed into smaller, more manageable pieces, making it easier to pack into a pipe, bong, or rolling paper. They also help ensure an even burn, which can improve the taste and potency of your smoke. There are a variety of grinders available, from simple hand-held models to electric grinders that can quickly and efficiently grind large amounts of weed.


Rolling Trays

A rolling tray is a flat surface used to roll joints or blunts. It's a great way to keep your weed and rolling papers organized and prevents any spills or messes. Many rolling trays also come with compartments to hold your grinder, lighters, and other smoking accessories.



Rolling Papers

Rolling papers are the most basic accessory needed to smoke weed. There are countless types of rolling papers available, from thin and ultra-light to thicker, flavored papers. They can be made from a variety of materials, including hemp, rice, and wood pulp.



A good lighter is essential for smoking weed. It's important to choose a lighter with a strong flame that won't easily go out. Many smokers also prefer lighters with longer stems, as they make it easier to light a bowl without burning your fingers.




Smell-Proof Containers

Finally, a good smell-proof container is a must-have accessory for any smoker. They help keep your weed fresh and prevent any odors from escaping. There are a variety of smell-proof containers available, from small, pocket-sized models to larger, lockable containers.



We hope you enjoy this selection of cute cannabis accessories! Let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to see.

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Guides, Reviews Guides, Reviews

Father’s Day Gift Guide: Perfect Presents for Cannabis-Loving Dads 🍃

Father’s Day is here and let’s be honest, shopping for Dad’s can be a challenge! Some are lucky enough to have Dads that consume cannabis, and if that’s the case, my friend you’ve come to the right place. This Father’s Day we’ve round up some of our picks for gifts that your stoner Dad will love! Give Dad the gift of good toking and we promise he’ll be grateful.


This post includes affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you buy the products or that we may have been gifted some of the items mentioned in this post.

Father’s Day is here and let’s be honest, shopping for Dad’s can be a challenge! Some are lucky enough to have Dads that consume cannabis, and if that’s the case, my friend you’ve come to the right place. This Father’s Day we’ve round up some of our picks for gifts that your stoner Dad will love! Give Dad the gift of good toking and we promise he’ll be grateful.


This Session Goods Bong perfect if your Dad is a minimalist at heart who appreciates edgy sophistication,


Made of high quality 4mm thick, borosilicate glass, this piece features an angled mouthpiece and a molded indent for an ergonomic grip that also tucks away the bowl and downstem. The silicone footer protects the glass from damage, hides unsightly water and indicates the recommended water line for the perfect hit.


You also never have to worry if you break an individual piece on your Session. You can replace any part of the broken glass with ease just by emailing them. They also recently launched a line of high end stash jars and ashtrays that make wonderful gifts for the smoker who likes to keep everything looking sleek and modern. We love that their stash jars hold so much green, and also have a place to put your one-hitter or joints when you aren’t smoking! It keeps everything compact and smell-free, while also looking very high end where ever you put it.


Snoop Dogg’s New Cookbook for Dad’s That Get the Munchies.


The perfect Father's Day gift for any dad who loves good food and great vibes. This cookbook offers a unique blend of mouth-watering recipes and Snoop's signature laid-back style, making it a delightful addition to any kitchen.


From classic comfort foods like mac and cheese and fried bologna sandwiches to more adventurous dishes like lobster thermidor and filet mignon, this collection is packed with flavorful, easy-to-follow recipes. Plus, Snoop’s entertaining anecdotes and personal touches throughout the book add a fun twist that will surely bring a smile to Dad's face as he cooks up some delicious meals. Give the gift of culinary creativity and hip-hop flair with "From Crook to Cook" this Father's Day!


An Indoor Grow Kit so they can grow their own weed in the comfort of their home with support from grow experts.


Can you imagine the look on Dad’s face when you give them the gift of growing their own weed? We like Budgrower because though some competitors might sell the hardware necessary to grow, BudGrower includes a patented Cali Super Soil as well as the customer support and guidelines for a successful first harvest.


This Signature HPS Kit is the most popular of all BudGrower’s models. It has heavy-duty, hand-stitched zippers that come with a light-blocking double flap enclosure and are 98% light reflective to keep light and odors inside the tent. There are multiple viewports for monitoring your plants with ease. It grows 1-3 plants and only takes one person up to 15-30 min to assembly. How much will they love that?


The Vessel Helix Pipe is the perfect Father's Day gift for the sophisticated dad.


A modern reinterpretation of the classic pipe, the all-new Pipe from Vessel combines artful sophistication with cutting-edge engineering, elevating your smoking experience to new heights.


This premium hand pipe features a unique helix design that cools and smooths the smoke, providing a superior and enjoyable draw every time. Crafted from high-quality, heat-resistant borosilicate glass and complemented with a durable, sleek metal mouthpiece, the Vessel Helix pipe not only looks sophisticated but is built to last. Its portable size makes it ideal for dads on the go, while its modern aesthetic ensures it stands out as a statement piece. Treat your dad to the ultimate blend of elegance and performance with the Vessel Helix pipe, a gift that he will cherish and use with pride.


The Smoke Honest Capsule water pipe is an exceptional gift for dads who love cannabis.


The Smoking Honest Capsule Water Pipe combines sleek design with innovative functionality.

This compact and portable water pipe is made from high-quality, durable materials, ensuring a smooth and cool smoking experience every time. Its modern, minimalist aesthetic fits seamlessly into any lifestyle, making it not just a smoking accessory but a stylish statement piece.


The Smoke Honest Capsule water pipe’s unique design allows for easy cleaning and maintenance, making it as practical as it is elegant. Whether your dad enjoys a relaxing evening at home or an adventurous outing, the Smoke Honest Capsule water pipe is the perfect companion, offering convenience and sophistication in one exceptional package. This is a stylish and functional bong made of high-quality borosilicate glass. Its unique capsule design provides a smooth smoking experience and makes it super easy to clean. Plus, it packs into itself, making it perfect for travel.This Father's Day, give the gift of elevated enjoyment with the Smoke Honest Capsule water pipe.


The Chill Steel Pipe that is the “Yeti of Bongs”.


The Chill Steel Pipe is an outstanding gift for Dad.

Obviously it’s stylish, but this bong is more than just good looking. It features patented insulation that keeps your bong rips icy fresh. It also comes apart easily so cleaning it is a cinch.


We are obsessed with this Yeti-like bong that is practically indestructible! Not only does the vacuum insulated stainless steel base keep your hits icy cold, it comes apart in three places making it ideal for travel and cleaning. This is the perfect gift for the Dad who enjoys the outdoors and is never without this durable re-useable water bottle. What could be a better gift for the Dad who is the ultimate utilitarian? You can create a custom piece for Dad or go classic with the stainless steel version.

The Pax Era or PAX 3 Vaporizer to keep Dad’s toking discreet.


The PAX 3 is the ultimate Father's Day gift for dads who appreciate the finer things in life.

This sleek, state-of-the-art vaporizer offers both style and performance, with a design that's as aesthetically pleasing as it is functional. Capable of vaporizing both dry herbs and concentrates, the PAX 3 provides versatility to suit any


The most “Dad” thing about this gift is the Era has its own app. That’s something that will keep Dads entertained while they are elevated. PAX also has the PAX 3 Vaporizer that use flower for Dad’s who are tired of sneaking off to the garage to toke in secret. If you want to learn about about the Pax Era or the PAX 3 check out this honest review we wrote about The PAX ERA VS. The PAX 3. Whichever PAX product you decide on, your Dad will be glad to have a device that lets him consume on the go, conserve his weed and that represents the best of cannabis technology.


A Donation To Last Prisoner Project to help bring Father’s incarcerated for cannabis offenses home

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The Last Prisoner Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to cannabis criminal justice reform. By giving a donation in Dad’s it’ll make him even more proud of you than he already is. It’s always a good time to do the right thing and there are many Father’s behind bars for cannabis offenses while large corporations continue to make money from the plant.

Through intervention, advocacy, and awareness campaigns the Last Prisoner Project works to redress the past and continuing harms of these unjust laws and policies. A donation to the LPP is a gift that keeps giving. Dad will be proud he raised a fellow social justice warrior.


A Stashlogix Stash Bag to keep his weed and weed tools safe from the fam.

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The hard-shell Silverton case is the ultimate “Thoughtful. Secure. Discreet.” stash bag.

The Stashlogix story starts with a dad concerned that his young kids might get into his medicine, especially when they were traveling or off camping in the Colorado mountains. He put his engineering skills to work to solve the problem, and the first Stashlogix bag was born. It didn't take long before all his friends wanted one. So he decided to try an Indiegogo campaign. It was a hit. A company was born.


If your Father is a camping aficionado or if he likes to keep his smoke under lock and key, he needs a Stashlogix Bag! Thoughtful traits like adjustable dividers and a poker pocket solve all of Dad’s organizational and the patented lockable zippered bags ensure his stash will stay safe and secure. Durable and minimalist, these are perfect for Father’s who like to keep their smoke discreet. You can check out some more of our favorite Stashlogix products in this article


The Smoke Honest Path Pipe is perfect for your health-conscious Daddio.


The Smoking Honest Path Pipe cools the smoke before it hits your Dad’s lungs.

This stylish pipe features a sleek, compact design crafted from durable, high-quality materials, ensuring both longevity and elegance.


The Path Pipe is designed with an innovative sliding cover that conceals the bowl, making it perfect for on-the-go use and maintaining cleanliness. Its thoughtful engineering includes a filter to cool and smooth each draw, providing a consistently enjoyable session. Easy to clean and effortlessly portable, the Smoking Honest Path Pipe combines practicality with sophistication, making it an ideal accessory for any discerning dad. This Father's Day, give the gift of refined relaxation with the Smoking Honest Path Pipe.


This Father's Day, celebrate your dad with a gift that aligns with his tastes and hobbies. Whether he's a culinary enthusiast, a style-savvy smoker, or a tech-loving cannabis connoisseur, these thoughtfully chosen items—from Snoop Dogg's cookbook to innovative smoking accessories like the Vessel Helix pipe, Smoke Honest Capsule water pipe, Chill Steel Pipe, and PAX 3—are sure to bring a smile to his face. Show your appreciation with a gift that combines practicality, luxury, and a touch of fun, making this Father's Day one to remember.

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